Chapter 2

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The cold water ran down my back, washing away the sweat and grime that had collected on my skin. I stared at the cement wall a few metres in front of me, focusing on a little piece of vervain sticking out. It was just one of many vervain plants that had been set into the concrete of my cell.

The hunters had clearly thought this through, making sure to cover every surface of my cell in the toxic plant. The three thick walls had vervain mixed into the very concrete, full plant stems, leaves, and flowers mixed through, as well as the dried powder. The fourth wall had no concrete, but rather was composed of prison-like bars that ran floor to ceiling. At least it was the ceiling of my cell, not the underground warehouse that my cell sat inside.

Even the metal bars had vervain set in them, wrapped around as well so that no surface was left bare. The 'bathroom' appliances weren't safe either, the toilet ceramic was practically half vervain plant & powder. The shower head that stuck out of the concrete wall was covered in it too. The bed frame was basically made of the stuff.

I had to give it to them, they weren't stupid - weren't stupid enough to try and trap a vampire in any regular cell. They'd obviously done their research, perhaps even had some trial and error. And now their work had paid off. Not only was my cell full of vervain, but it was also covered in wolfsbane. They had planned this all out to be able to hold both vampires and werewolves.

Here I was, a strong, once-healthy vampire, stuck in their cage like a rat. Unable to escape no matter how much I tried.

Faint muttering disturbed my peace, and I turned to look at one of the hunters that held me captive. Since the opening of my cell was just bars, and my 'bathroom' had no doors or walls, I could simply look out of my cell to see what they were doing. This gave me a good view of the whole warehouse space, but also allowed them to see me at all times.

I had become used to them being able to see my every move, being naked and showering in front of them didn't phase me. Besides, they were the ones that put me here - if they didn't want to watch me doing my business then they could let me go any time.

"You're sure?" The lab coat guy muttered into the phone.

I had come to learn that his name was Jihoon. He was part of this hunter's club, but he seemed to be the brains, while the other two were the brawns. I'm sure there's more of them, but these three are the only ones I've seen so far.

I tried to hear what was being said on the other end of the phone, but it seemed that he was whispering, the noise of my shower drowning out the words, as well as my weakened state dulling my senses. I guess it didn't matter too much. I would find out eventually.

"And no one saw you right?" My eyes rolled involuntarily. He was a worry wart for sure.
"Well hurry up! Bring her in! We can always make sure she is later, worst case we'll just feed her to him."

Interesting... I had thought that maybe they were talking about capturing another vampire, but that last comment made it sound like they were bringing a human. Why would they bring a human though? Maybe they were just going to throw her in my cell and see how long she survived. They knew that no amount of regular blood could make me strong enough to break out of here. I was absolutely trapped here.

"What did you do with them?" Jihoon held his phone between his ear and shoulder, working on something that I couldn't see.

"Yeah, yeah good. Just leave them. They're useful."

I decided to shut off my cold shower, my body freezing from the lack of food and blood. The small towel they so kindly provided managed to dry off my body before becoming completely damp. I got dressed and wrapped myself in the thin blanket from my bed to try and warm up, and sat down to listen to my captors' conversation.

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