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Sophie grabbed her purple backpack from the ground and made her way around the van to the side. Miraculously, Dex and Biana had stopped yelling at each other, though now Dex was talking (or debating) with her through the open window as he stood outside the door. (Sophie tried not to think of how his "jumping through a car window to try to steal a car seat" stunt went, but he seemed physically fine from what she could tell, so it couldn't have been that bad.) Tam was sitting in the very back right corner of the van, headphones in and staring out the window at the Dizznee's front lawn. Keefe was in the exact opposite spot, giving her puppy dog eyes from the middle left seat as she slid open the car door.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

He batted his eyelashes. "So you'll sit next to me."

She laughed a little and raised her eyebrows. "Do you think it's working?"

"I don't know, I just heard adorable attracts adorable."

"If any little kittens happen to be running by, I'm sure that you'd draw them in here like a magnet."

He smirked. "I see that you're trying to distract from the fact that I very-subtly tried to call you adorable, Ms. Oblivious."

She crossed her arms. "I'm not adorable."

"That snarky narrowed-eye thing you do when you get annoyed at me is just further proving my point."

She shook her head, hoping it covered up her slight smile and pink-tinted face. "Sorry, Mr. Smirk, but I already told Dex that I'd sit with him later."

"Ooo, Foster's getting clever with the nicknames." Keefe leaned his head to the side. "But, uh, I don't know if you noticed yet, Miss F., but the Dexinator is kinda waging war for shotgun at the moment. And I hope he's winning," he whispered behind his hand.

Her traitorous lips finally broke into a grin. Before she could come up with a response, however, Dex came up from behind her and silently climbed into the van.

Keefe turned to look at him in shock. "Dude, what happened?"

Dex sighed defeatedly. "She threatened me with her acrylics."

Biana peered over from the front seat, tapping her long and colorful nails together and looking only slightly repentant. "Sorry. A girl's gotta be evil sometimes."

Dex just sighed again and made his way to the back row, sitting in the middle seat. Sophie followed behind him and took the one to the left of him, trying very hard not to trip in the process.

"Hey, at least you're sitting behind me," Keefe said, handing Ella back over his shoulder. "And you also you admitted that I'm adorable," he added with a wink.

Sophie held Ella up threateningly. "She will attack if she needs to."

He laughed. "Okay, Ms. Ella Foster-" He shook Ella's little hand- or hoof. "-I'll make sure to watch my back. But I should let you know that Mrs. Stinkbottom isn't afraid to turn down a fight."

She made Ella nod. "She says it's on."

Keefe gave Ella a fist bump with a small smirk. Sophie pulled Ella back to hug her against her chest, burying her face between her floppy ears.

"Hey guys, Linh just texted me," said Tam, tugging out his headphones and leaning towards the front. "She said that she and Wylie are on their way, so we'll be able to leave soon."

"Where are Wylie and Linh?" Sophie asked as Keefe turned toward the front again and kicked his feet up. (Fitz glared at him for a second but let it go.) Sophie had originally thought that they were just running a bit late, but she didn't know they were traveling together.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Feb 19, 2023 ⏰

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ROADTRIP! - Kotlc Human AUNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ