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'Where is he?' He asked.

'Unfortunately I don't speak English with assholes' Lo'ak said in Na'vi.

'Where is your father?' The man said in Na'vi pulling on Lo'ak's queue as he groaned in pain. Lo'ak hissed as his voice cracked.

'Really? You wanna play it this way.' He said taking out a knife, throwing Lo'ak to the ground he went to Kiri.

'Lo'ak!' I hissed as I looked at the man.

'Stop! Don't hurt her! Spider yelled, the Colonel looked at him.

'What's your name kid?' The man said.

'Spider, Socorro' Spider said as I looked at him.

'Miles?' He said as he crouched down.

'Nobody calls him that.' I said as the Colonel looked at me.

'Shut her up' He said as a knife was put up to my neck, I heard Tuk screech.

'I'll be dammed. I figured they sent you back to earth.' He said.

'Can't put babies in cryo, dip shit.' Spider said as Colonel stood.

'What do we do, boss?' A avatar said.

'Iron Sky, Blue on Actual. We are standing by for extract, over. Be advised. We're bringing high value prisoners.' He said as he brought us to the shack.

'Lyle (Lie-yl), get me some audio on this.' He said holding a tape that showed the Skywalker holding her mother by her braid from what she could see her mother was pregnant, before being shot by Neytiri twice. Her mother making her way over, talking in Na'vi, "With all the sins you have committed I still wish you a painfully peaceful passing. Your body shall remain here as your spirit goes far away from here, never with Eywa." Her mother said in Na'vi on the tape before ending his life.

'Colonel Quaritch (Qwa-tri-ch)? Yes?' I said trying to get them man over towards me.

'What's it to you?' He said after crushing his past life human skull.

'That Na'vi woman, in the tape there? That's my mother.' I spat as my braid was tugged on, the knife slicing my skin.

'Is that so?' He said crouching infront of me.

'You should've stayed died!' I shouted as I grabbed the knife from Quaritch waist slashing his cheek, as I sliced the wrist of the man holding me, the knife dropping. They had forgotten to cuff my hands.

I climbed as fast as I could into a tree as I grabbed my bow, and arrows from the woman who collected it.

'What's her name?' Quaritch asked Lo'ak. I heard Lo'ak groan when he didn't answer.

'Ixtal! Her names Ixtal! Don't hurt him!' Spider shouted, how could he give up my name so easily?

'Ixtal. That's the second man of mine you've injured not yet killed, why don't you come on down here for a chat?' Colonel shouted up at her.

'Never you demon!' I yelled down at him, I drew my bow at the one who was holding me, he was climbing up the tree, I suppose they didn't hear me.

I shot the man in the as he fell from the tree, if he survived the arrow, he definitely didn't survive the drop.

I heard a whoop, was it Neytiri's? I whooped back.

'That's the third one you've killed!' He shouted up at me.

'I'll save the fourth just for you!' I said as someone shot a bullet at me. At arrow that wasn't mine was shot at the man who was holding Kiri and Spider.

'Lo'ak!' I said as I saw him pull a intoxicating smoke grenade as he bite man. I jumped down as I grabbed Tuk.

'Ixtal!' Someone shouted.

'Ae'itan!' I said as I ran over with Tuk to him. I hugged him and Tuk as we hid.

'Is that you, Mrs.Sully? I recognize your calling card.' Quaritch yelled.

'Come on out, Mrs.Sully. The two of us have some unfinished business, along with Ixtal's mother. Is she out there too? Would love to have a chat!' He said once she didn't respond. A yipped seeing Lo'ak running by, he saw us coming over.

'Demon! I will kill you as many time as I have to.' Neytiri said as I spotted her.

'You and the Corporal have been pretty busy, haven't you? Got yourself a whole littler of half-breeds.' He continued. A man yelled "Na'vi" aiming at someone.

'We have to go! Come!' I said after I cut off Tuks restraints. We ran as I yelled while someone jumped down infront of them. I almost cut them as they stopped me. It was Jake.

'Whoa, are you guys hurt?' Jake asked as I backed off with a sign of relief.

'No, we're fine.' Lo'ak said as I fell, my back roughly hitting the tree beside us. Jake continued to comfort Tuk as Netayam crouched beside me.

'Your bleeding.' He said as he grabbed my arm, I looked at him as I fell back on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around me plopping me up.

'Its not mine..' I mumbled as I shut my eyes, I don't think he heard me.

'There's three dead.' Ae'itan said as Jake looked at him.

'Ixtal shot them dead, shot another in the leg. That makes four.' He continued as he caught his breath. Netayam then realized some of the blood on me, was not mine.

'We're clear!' I heard Jake shout as Neytiri and Kiri ran over.

'Thank you, Great mother, thank you, Ixtal.' Neytiri said as she had Kiri and Tuk in her arms, I stood as I leaned on Netayam as Ae'itan pressed our heads together.

'Where's is Spider?' Lo'ak asked.

'They took him. They took him' Kiri said first looking at Lo'ak, then her father. We went back to the clan as I went along back to Mo'at.

'You two keep getting yourselves into everything! I don't know what to do with you two sometimes.' Na'akway said sighing, standing in front of us, it was hard to stay mad at us for long I suppose.

'I want to introduce you two to Yeytxu, her parents have left, they are with Eywa. She will be joining this family.' She said crouching infront of them. Ae'itan's ears went back as he looked to the ground his face turning a light pink, Yeytxu was Ae'itan's childhood crush/friend. I would always tease him about it.

'Ae'itan!' The girl said as she walked in, she sat next to the boy as he cracked a smile when he looked at her.

This is her:

This is her:

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