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I heard sniffing behind me, was it an animal? Or a person? I turn around disconnecting my braid, I see a small yet mighty looking animal.. or so I thought...

'Are you lost my friend?' I asked. (Ofc in Na'vi she doesn't use English unless she has to.)

'Ais!' I yelled at it came out of the shadows.. a viperwolf.

'Get back!' I hissed swatting my bow at it. I ran towards where I believe a couple hunters we're once I realized it was standing on my arrows.

'Someone! Come!' I yelled as I grabbed a vine, but the viperwolf caught the tip of my tail as I yelled out.

It pulled me down to the ground, pinning me. I began to cry as I was scratched and cut by the wolf, he was trying to kill me.

I grabbed my bow in attempt to fight back, yet I hit my head on a rock behind me as it ran off, leaving me to die.

~Hours later~

'Whats wrong with her?' I heard a fait voice.

'Back! Back away!' Said a strong voice of a woman as I opened my eyes. I was covered in leaves, along with my eyesight being covered.

'Classic Mo'at' I said as I groaned.

'She awakens.' A male said.

'Tsu'tey?' I asked in attempt to uncover my eyes.

'Leave it you skxawng(moron) (sk-ow-ng)!' He said as he slapped my hands while I hissed.

~Next couple days~

'Na'akway! The alien is ready. We go this afternoon.' Tsu'tey told me, Jake must've completed his training.

Once we were off on the horses to the hallelujah mountains, Oo-rah, to receive our ikran's. There were two other young warriors, I didn't pay attention to them.

Tsu'tey stop us there as we reached a point. We began to climb up through the mountains getting to a point we had to wait to jump.

'Now what?' Jake asked as I slapped his shoulder.

'Wait!' I hissed at him as Tsu'tey commanded us to jump. I did so, climbing up the vine.

We continued on running on thick, strong vines of wood, getting to a cave. We were here.

I watched the others look over the edge as Neytiri flew up. As I acknowledged they were all here, I went behind the water fall to receive my Ikran. While Tsu'tey told Jake to go first.

(That's the Ikran she goes for ↑ ig it's blue/purple/black)

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(That's the Ikran she goes for ↑ ig it's blue/purple/black)

I walk slowly into the area of Ikran's as soon as I appear. She already challenged me once she roared. I hissed back as I circled her.

As I throwed on the tree bark strand to keep her mouth shut, I jumped on her. It was a real struggle, then I noticed the others were watching me as I wrapped my legs around her head to her neck as I connected our bond.

'Stop it!' I shouted.

'First flight seals the bond, you cannot wait Na'akway!' Neytiri yelled at me as Jake got his, I took off. My Ikran kept screaming as I got annoyed.

'Shut up and fly!' I scolded in Na'vi. I noticed Jake was out flying coming towards me I heard Neytiri whoop.

I went back to watch the other hunter receive theirs. We were all lined up once Jake started to mess around while we were flying. He leaned his Ikran towards Neytiri as she did it back. Tsu'tey yelled at them as they laughed.

We went back to hometree as Jake and Neytiri went out. I noticed Mrs.Grace.

'Grace?' I called out as she looked at me. She began to tear as she ran to me.

'Oh my sweet girl..' I heard her whisper as she hugged me.

'What?' I asked as she sighed.

'I think it's time you know. Let's go find Mo'at.' She said as we went to go find her, Grace explain that years ago I was a human child.. her child..

'What! And you never told me this!' I yelled in Na'vi as I looked at them.

'It was like stones in my heart not to tell you..' Grace said as I began to tear.

'If I was human child, how am I what I am now. Three fingers, no four.' I asked her as I held up my hands, (To her thumbs don't count) then looked at hers. She then began to explain to me I was one of the first experiments in the program, that I was badly hurt one day and the Na'vi took me. Turning me into one of them along Eywa.

I was silent for awhile, what was I supposed to say? I was dismissed by Mo'at as I found La'tam(la-tam).

'Na'akway!' He called me. Well I couldn't be rude.

'Yes?' I asked as he grabbed my waist gently.

'When you are woman.. Will you do the pleasure to be with me..?' He asked as I stood there surprised. I was silent for awhile as I looked away, my tail lashing side to side.

He must've noticed as he sighed quietly.

'Think about it, yes?' He said as I nodded, kissing my cheak he let go, walking away.

I rubbed off where he kissed me, spotting Neytiri and Jake as she motioned me over, they were talking about Toruk Macto (to-ruk mac-to)

'He rode this?' Jake asked.

'Toruk choose him.' Neytiri said as I sat down.

'It has only happened five times since the time of the First Songs.' I said as I looked at the skull.

'That's a long time.' Jake said as he looked at me.

'Yes.' I said.

'Toruk Macto was mighty. He brought the clans together in a time of great sorrow. All Na'vi people know the story.' Neytiri said as I walked off with Jake, knowing I was Grace's daughter he told me about how he was sent here, and what for.

'Nice joke, I see you later Jake.' I said laughing as I went out hunting.

Hours later finding something to hunt. I stretched the bow getting in position as I let go I hit the animal, I ran over swiftly with my knife.

'I see you, sister.. and, thank you.' I said stabbing her to end her suffering.

'Your spirit goes with Eywa, While you body stays behind to become apart of the people.' I said in Na'vi as I pulled the knife out.

Someone dropped down once I did. It was a warrior whom was training me.

'You are ready.' He said as we brought back my kill. Him taking me down to Jake and Neytiri to get ready for the ceremony.

A couple minutes later I was covered in the symbol of ceremony with Jake as we went over to Eytukan.

'You are now a son, and daughter of the Omaticaya. You are apart of the people.' Eytukan said as he rested a hand on each of our shoulders.

I felt someone place both of theirs on me, I turned my head to see Tsu'tey, cracking a smile when he saw me look at him. The rest of the clan rested the hands on each other's shoulders. I saw Grace smile out of the corner of my eye.

Once it was over, Tsu'tey and I left the group going off in the woods, the trees of Eywa.

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