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The cub growled as she crouched behind the bushes

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The cub growled as she crouched behind the bushes. Her long and thin paws dug into the fresh dirt the tears from mother nature gave the creatures below in this forested land. Her black mane reached over her bare back to hide her small body.

She smirked as she slowly crawled around her target. It was asleep at the waking sun. She stopped as she accidentally stepped on a branch causing her to crouch to the floor. Her bare chest landed on the mud, unaffected by the moist dirt. The creature's ears flicked for a moment before lowering them.

Using this as a chance, she pounced. Landing on the creature's back.

Zaava flinched and moved around causing the girl to yelp and land on the ground. She huffed and glared at him. Zaava sighed and rubbed his muzzle on the girl's cheek, making her hiss at him and swipe her paws at him.

"You're too loud," Zaava groggily stood and walked away.

"You're just a light sleeper, Father," the girl huffed, following after him in fours.

It has passed four dreadful seasons since Zaava took in the human girl. It was difficult to care for her as everywhere they went, she would be the main target for food but Zaava was quick to intercept it.

Not only that, the cruel weather would go against the girl as she's bare and would freeze and wince at the harsh winds.

"Kaia," Zaava glanced at his cub. The girl huffed, looking up at him. Her grey eyes are bright with curiosity and mischief. She was prideful for a young one. "Why don't you try hunting something small? Like a mouse or bird?"

Kaia growled, looking away and flopping to the ground. "I'm strong. I can handle myself just fine."

Zaava looked down at the girl in amusement. "Didn't you stumble into the hyenas a few days ago?"

Zaava laughed as Kaia growled and pushed him but grew angry as her father didn't budge making him laugh harder.

"I can show you, my daughter. You just need to be patient...and quieter"

Kaia shook her head, looking down at her paws. "The other cubs can already hunt on their own. They make fun of me when I try. I'll show them that I can do it."

Zaava's eyes softened.

He has seen the faint scratches on her arms and legs from the other cubs. It hasn't been easy for Kaia for the past four seasons. But the girl was too prideful to let them get to her and beat them, causing their mothers to be rageful and for him to intercept it.

"I don't get it," she growled. "I can't eat anything you bring me without getting sick, I can't crawl on anything without bleeding on my claws, I am...bald too!" she whined, smacking the water near her.

"That may be true–"

"Then what am I?" she turned to him. "Why am I so different and weak?"

Kaia sighed, nodding to the lone bird on a tree. He walked around the girl and gently bit her hand.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕙𝕠𝕣𝕟𝕖𝕕 𝔽𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 {𝕋𝕒𝕣𝕫𝕒𝕟 𝕩 𝕆𝕔}Where stories live. Discover now