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Stiles POV
I was at the hospital because melissa call me about my dad being badly injured during his work.But I know it's wasn't the case when my name was call in for my dad as I went to walk into his room and froze at the sight of my dad body under the white silk of blanket but I can still purple bruises on his face and upper body that I had to balance myself to walk to his bed.

"I'm so sorry Dad" I whimper as I gently caressed his color purple cheeks and flinch at the cold skin as I sat down next to the chair with tears coming out of my eyes. The door open and a pair of footsteps was coming from my side when someone gasp.

"Stiles" I heard allison soft voice but didn't turn my attention away from my dad as I can feel her come close to my side along with someone probably chris.

"What am I going to do allie?"

"Hey,Everything is going to be fine,okay?Your dad is going to make it through the night" Allison assured me but I know she was not certain in the condition as I said nothing.

"Where's the others?" Chris question as I gave my phone to him without explaining anything because it's was useless to call them when they don't even give a care about me.I heard Chris breath heavily and saw his fist clenched tightly that it might turn white then felt arms wrap around me to pull me into a chest that I started to sobs on because it's hurt on the second time to really realize they were coming to comfort me.

"Shh shh I'm here.I'm not going anywhere" I cling onto his jacket as I felt allison join the hug as well.

"Neither am I going to go anywhere stiles" I couldn't stop sobbing now because I have the best people with me right now rather than my brother scott and Issac not either de-Nope not going to say his name.I cuddled close to them as they rub my back gently for minutes until my tears dried up on my face.

"Come on stiles.Let clean up that face of your before your dad ever wakes up to first see his girl gloomily face" I chuckled at that,so I agree to go wash up with allison coming with me and melissa and chris talk about something.

After a few minutes of refreshing, I walk out of the restroom when I suddenly got a Terrible feeling in my gunts telling me to run to my father room as I started to run down the hall.


I ran when I saw chris was outside of his room and nurses and doctors came running inside my dad room shouting for some kind of emergency help as I run past chris who spotted me and try to stop me from entering the room to see my dad struggling in his bed and nurses holding him when he keep shaking his head that has me frozen on the spot once again.Melissa notice me and took me away from the scene allison holds me.

"What's going to happen to my dad?" I ask melissa with a blank face as she flinch from my expression but try to composure herself.

"Stiles his-" but I didn't listen to what she was saying as everything around me was going in slow motion as I stare at my dad room with the time tickling with a deep terrify chills.

'What's going to happen to my dad?'


Four weeks later..........
I been living in Allison room for awhile after my dad funeral as I couldn't get myself to go back to the house or even look at it with my delusional dad appears inside of the house and me bothering him.I shake my head at the memory with tears dwelling in my eyes.

'Come on Stiles.You can do this'

I sighs and reach for my phone since it's be ringing with missed calls and messages without a doubt,it was about the murder for the pack gang who doesn't give me space and time to get over my dad death even though allison clear state we quite.I scrolled down to look at a particular contact with a sad smile and press the call button.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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