Episode 19

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Kaigaku: Let's have some fun.

Rias: *smiles*

Rias snap her fingers. Making herself, Mio, Maria and Zest turn into particals of magic and disappear and reaper a mile away from the fight on top of a building. Allowing them to see the fight.

Mio: Hey what are you doing? We have to help them.

Rias: Let them handle them. I trust Koneko and Akeno. But you have you have to trust Ethan to handle his own fights. He can't rely on help all the time. He needs to rely on himself on his own power.

Mio: But-

Zest: I can understand that. As much as I want help him. We won't be able to be there for him always. He has to know how win his own fights.

Mio: But his still learning. He barely even knows how to use magic.

Rias: Then let him learn. Let him gain experience.

Zest: If things go downside for him well step in.

Mio: I don't like this

Maria: She's right Mio.

Rias: You care for him. That's a good thing. But that love can make him weak if he relies too much on you. Let him fight.

Back to the fight.

Daki: It seems your friends left you to deal with us.

Ethan: The way I see it, it means I get to have fun beating you two to death. I am so gonna enjoy this.

Kaigaku: Oh? *Smiles* you like giving pain to your enemies.

Akeno: Ethan remain calm. Don't let the old ways get the best of you.

Daki: Why don't you join us then? Join Chaos. You'll be free to fight as much as you want and kill as much as you want. No one to hold you back. You can even have as many womans as you want you. All you have to do is offer yourself to Lord Muzan and Khorne.

Ethan: Fuck off. I may be half Demon. But I well neve give my soul. My soul is mine alone. So fuck off.

Daki: Oh I like you.

Ethan: Fuck you.

Kaigaku: Well then, let the slaughter begin.

Kaigaku at lightning speed charge toward Ethan, about to strike him down with his Katana. Ethan manage to pull his sword and block the attack. Yet the force of the attack send Ethan skidding and crashing into a building. As Kaigaku follow him.

Daki: So it's just me against you two.

Back Ethan.

Ethan was send skidding through the building. As he stab his sword into the ground and stop himself from skidding.

Ethan: I almost didn't see that.

Taika(Mind): Be careful Ethan. This is a Chaos Demon your fighting this time. It's far more powerful then the other Demons you fought. Don't go easy on him.

Ethan: Got it

Kaigaku enter the building.

Kaigaku: Let see how strong you are without your friends.

Ethan: I don't need them to win this fight

Kaigaku: Is that so?

Kaigaku points at Ethan. Shooting a small lightning blast at Ethan head. Ethan manage to dodge it. Only for Kaigaku to come from above and land a powerful down swing with his Katana. Ethan manage to block it with his sword. Yet the force of the strike created a small crator under his feet.

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