Episode 16

137 7 18


Location: Mio House

Akeno along side Zest and Maria were making dinner. They were wearing normal everyday house clothes along side aprons.

Akeno: There we go. Cut the lettuce to smaller pieces this time.

Zest: I don't think it's gonna be enough this time.

Maria: Don't worry I brought more this time. And I got more lemons this time. There were on 30% off so I couldn't miss this good deal.

Akeno: Perfect. The cake should be done in a few more minutes. I made it with extra chocolate.

Zest: Isn't that a little too much? Even for a Demon?

Akeno: That's what I said when I first met Koneno. But believe me when I tell you it's fine. Just never steal her chocolates from her. I learned that the hard way.

Maria: What did she do?

Akeno: She broke my nose. In response I blasted her with lighting magic. It didn't end well for the both of us. But we're really good friends now.

Zest was adding ketchup but press the bottle too hard and accidentally spilled ketchup around.

Zest: I'm sorry.

Maria: It's okay. Lucky you didn't spilled on the floor. We can clean in it.

Akeno saw some ketchup was on Zest cheek.

Akeno: Let me clean that for you.

Zest: It's fine I can clean it for myself-

Akeno got closer to Zest and lick Zest cheek, licking the ketchup on Zest cheek.

Zest: *blushing* Hey! Don't do that!

Akeno: What I did nothing wrong. I just clean it for you. You should thank me.

Maria: It was just a little lick Zest. What's wrong with that?

Zest: A girl shouldn't lick another girl cheek.

Akeno: What's wrong with that? Can't a girl show love to another girl?

Zest: I'm not into girls. I like you as a friend but that is it. And besides I have a boyfriend already.

Akeno: What's wrong with a girl liking another girl?

Maria: Love is still loved. Regardless of what gender it is.

Zest: I'm not against that. I'm just I don't like girls in that way.

Akeno: *licks lips* Not for long.

Zest: What?

Akeno: Nothing.

Maria: Oh I like you more now. Wanna have fun with Zest and Ethan later?

Akeno: I'm already planning that. I got my handcuffs ready.

Zest: Wait handcuffs?

Back at the living room.

Ethan was watching the TV with Mio sitting next to him hugging his arm not letting him go.

Ethan: Mio can you please you know? Let go of my arm just for a few seconds?

Mio: No.

Ethan: But-

Mio: No!

Mio was glaring at Rias who was sitting on the other couch watching TV.

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