Part 1

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A/N: Hello, hello. This is the sequel to 'my r' that has actually been in the works for a while now. I hope you enjoy it! This is a lot harder hitting than the last one and focuses on the handling of grief throughout. You were warned! - Funi :)

 I stared at the park we all used to train at together, my eyes glued to the stadium. How so much has changed in such a small amount of time. It actually makes me sick just thinking about it. How someone so young lost their life so quickly. And to this day, we still don't know the reason why. It's sad. So much suffering and for what? It hurts. Why won't the pain just go away? I don't want it anymore. But it haunts me wherever I go.

I find it funny how a smile can hide a broken heart, and how the masking of your feelings is a secret art. Could we have seen it coming? I know he hid it well. The whole world was really under this boy's tragic spell. Thinking nothing of the glare in his big blue eyes. Little did we know, they were a great disguise.  He woke up, watched the sun rise and started reeling off a bucket full of sad lies.

"Hey, Shu." I felt a hand on mine, pulling me out of my thoughts, and turned to see Lui there, a small smile on his face. "You're alright, yeah?"

I nodded, not quite fooling anyone, and hoped my voice would hold up more than my face. "Yeah. You said you wanted to take me somewhere?"

I sounded a little shaky, and I could feel something in the back of my throat. I knew I shouldn't have come out. I knew I wasn't ready. It's too soon. I can't do it. "Hey, look at me. You're alright. It's all good. You've got this, Shu."

I smiled at him and nodded. "Yeah. Thanks, Lui."

"No problem. Now, come on. I found a place you might like." His eyes shone and I couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm. He practically dragged me away. We ran through Beigoma and eventually stopped at a house.

I stared at him, confused. "I am very confused right now."

"This isn't the final destination, but it's a bloody good start. For you, at least." He said, a faint smile on his face.

"That doesn't explain anything." I whined as he pulled me inside the house, and sitting me down on the sofa before disappearing into another room and reappearing with a letter in his hand. "What's that?"

"Open it." He handed me the letter, and I gave him a confused look before opening it.

'Shu Kurenai,
In accordance with our previous phone call we would like to offer an unconditional placement at the Raging Bulls. We understand that you are suffering hardships right now and may not wish to fly out at the moment, but we hope to see you here one day.
We hope to hear from you soon,
Theodore Glass
Raging Bulls'

My eyes widened in surprise as I read the letter. I didn't expect to get offer, let alone an unconditional one. I was a mess in the interview. My eyes wandered to Lui as a massive grin formed on my face. I can't believe it.

"I did it!" I exclaimed, my arms wrapping around him. I know I wouldn't have been able to do it without him. Weirdly enough, he became my rock in all of this. I owe everything to him.

"Yeah, you did!" He tried to sound equally as enthusiastic but there was a hint of sadness in his voice. I pulled away from the hug and just stared at him. He offered a small smile.

"What's wrong?" I asked, confused at his sadness. I thought this was what he wanted - me to succeed.

"Nothing, I'm just so proud of you." There was a sense of proudness in his eyes, but also something else. I decided not to question it, thinking that he would tell me eventually if something was up.

"Thank you. I couldn't have done it without you."

"You give me too much credit. That was all you, kiddo. I just got one more thing to show you alright?" I nodded and followed him away from the house, wondering how many strings he had to pull to get the offer for me. Either way, I appreciate it a lot. This means everything to me.

"Hey, Lui?" I looked at him, filled with curiosity, and he hummed in response. "Why are you still here?" He stared at me, confused. "By my side, I mean. Ever since that incident you never left my side."

"I didn't really know him - personally, I didn't really care about him before that incident. But I know he meant a great deal to you, and I didn't want you to suffer alone. Knowing you, if you had the chance you would have bottled it up and let it destroy you from the inside out. So I thought I would offer my support. Is that alright with you?" The last remark was sarcastic, but it was used to cover how he felt so I'll let it side. Sadness radiated off of him. What has he been through?

Before I could even question him about it, we emerged into a clearing that was dotted with red, white, blue and yellow flowers. It was beautiful. I hadn't even noticed we'd entered the forest. I squeezed his hand, and couldn't help but smile. I felt Lui's eyes on me. "What is this place?"

"It used to be my mums garden. She brought me here when I was little. It's like my safe haven." He sat down in the small garden. I sat down next to him, giving him a curious glance. "Do you like it?"

"I love it. But, uh, why did you bring me here?" I looked at him, knowing there must be a reason. There always is.

"I wanted to share something special with you before I did this. I know you've been through a lot, and I wasn't always the kindest person to you. I'm so sorry about that. But, after these past few months of getting to know you better, I think I've come to realise something. I still love you, Shu. And I think I always will."

(COMPLETED) [His Stolen Innocence] (Shu x Lui)Where stories live. Discover now