Yerlec: The tall blue one is Burter.

Burter: Yo.

The small green one is Guldo.

Guldo: Hey.

Yerlec: The human looking one is Recoome.

Recoome: That's me!

Yerlec: Finally, the leader of the Ginyu Force. The aptly named, Captain Ginyu. I see you've decided to stick with this body.

Ginyu: Of course, how could I resist? It's fast! it's strong! It's symmetrical!!!

Yerlec: ...good for you.

Ginyu: Pleasantries aside, you lot have something that belongs to Lord Frieza, and we're here to liberate from you.

Vegeta: Oh, you want this ball? Well, you're going to have to look for it!

With all the might he could muster, Vegeta threw the Dragon Ball in the opposite direction. Just as he was done with the motion however, Burter is seen with the very same Dragon Ball.

21(Disbelief): What!? I didn't even notice him move.

Ginyu: A good attempt Vegeta, real good. Unfortunately for you, Burter here is an amazing catcher.

Vegeta in a state of panic with no other options orders Krillin to break the Dragon Ball he's holding. When he tries, the ball vanishes before his eyes and is seen in the hands of Guldo.

Krillin(Shock): Wh-what the...!?

Yerlec: I see. The rumors are true then. I didn't want to believe it...

Krillin: You wanna fill us in Yerlec?

Yerlec: It's been said that Guldo here has the ability to stop time.

Gohan(Surprise): No way! That's impossible!

Guldo(Smug): Better believe it, kid.

Ginyu: Well with all that out of the way, I'll be taking these to Lord Frieza. Oh, but before I go, Yerlec, a word?

Yerlec: What is it?

Ginyu: You're a smart man, right? I know you see the situation you're in at the moment. If you come with me and swear allegiance to Lord Frieza, I'm sure he'll be merciful enough to allow you on board. What do you say?

Yerlec: You already know my answer, Ginyu.

Ginyu: I see, and there's no changing your mind?

Yerlec: Not a chance. 

Ginyu: What a shame. In that case, I suppose this will be the last time we talk to each other. Boys, give Yerlec here a quick death, out of respect for our past comradery. Bring Vegeta back to Frieza alive, battered and bruised, but alive. As for the other three, do with them as you wish.

Ginyu Force: Sir, yes sir!

With his order issued, Ginyu levitates the seven Dragon Balls and flies off.

Recoome: Say Guldo, how's about you handle the two tiny ones? They're just your size.

Guldo(Annoyed): Oh, ha-ha, very funny. You're just saying that because you want Vegeta! Whatever...

Jeice: Then me and Burter can handle Yerlec and the dame when the dust settles.

Burter: Sounds good to me.

Guldo and Recoome are seen doing some warm up stretches for the fight ahead. When they were done, Guldo stepped forward, as Krillin and Gohan prepared themselves for battle.

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