Killer - M. DN x Reader

Start from the beginning

It was either because she's suffered before or because she was so clueless of the dangers in the world.

"You're so trusting to get into a stranger's car," I tried to probe Danielle.

She giggled before answering, "maybe you should be the one scared of me!"

I snickered at her cute remark.

"Ohhh, only if you knew...," I thought to myself.

- Danielle POV -

I was intrigued by the weirdo who had offered me a ride.

I knew it was a risk to accept a ride from a stranger but to be honest... I was already a little drunk.

I had pre-gamed before heading to Minji's party.

"Is this it?" Y/n asked as we pulled up to Minji's house.

"Yup!" I answered.

Y/n parked in front of Minji's estate and got out to open my door.

"Thanks for the ride," I bowed with a wide smile.

"Should I wait?" Y/n asked.

"No, I was just joking...," I answered.

Y/n gave me a stern nod and I headed into Minji's house.

I didn't think much of my interaction with the stranger. I figured I got to where I needed to go safe and that was all to it.

"Hey, you're sleeping over right?" Minji asked as me and girls played a game of beer pong.

"Yeah!!" I answered over the loud music.

We played on and on throughout the night. Everyone eventually started to leave and the girls and I got ready to fall asleep.

Suddenly, one of Minji's guards walked into the house.

"Ms. Kim, there's been a Porsche parked out from all night. The owner refuses to leave," The guard informed Minji.

"Porsche?" I thought to myself.

"Okay, I'll take care of it," Minji said as she walked towards the front of the door.

I followed Minji out the house to confirm if my suspicions were true.

They were.....

Y/n was loitering around the front of Minji's estate, fighting with guards.

"This is private property. You need to leave!" Minji sternly told Y/n.

"I was just waiting for a friend," Y/n smugly replied.

"Who exactly?" Minji crossed her arms with attitude.

I quickly stepped up to calm the situation down and told Y/n to go home.

"I'm sleeping over. I'll be fine," I told Y/n.

Y/n didn't say anything and just got back in their car.

I sighed of relief that the situation had ended.

"That's the stranger you got a ride from?" Minji asked.

"Yeah," I answered as I walked back into the house.

"They look creepy," Minji responded.

I sighed in annoyance, just wanting to get back into the warm house.

"Their name is Y/n," I replied.

"Y/n, Huh?" Minji mumbled.

"Y/n kind looks like the sketch of that serial killer going around," she added.

I wasn't sure if it was a joke or not but I paid no mind to it. Y/n didn't give me any creepy vibes at all.

Soon enough, we were all finally snuggled up in bed and ready to fall asleep.

"Goodnight!" Haerin told the group.

"Goodnight!" We all responded back.

Before I knew it, morning had finally come around.

The girls and I ate breakfast then got ready for our days.

Unlike everyone else, I had no ride home so I pulled out my phone to call a taxi.

I hated when Minji would tell her driver to take me home or called me a taxi. If I got myself to her house then I should be responsible enough to get myself back home.

"Alright, text me when you get home!" Minji yelled as I walked down her driveway to the main street.

"Yeah!" I yelled back.

I was waiting for a taxi operator to answer my call when I suddenly froze....

As I reached the main street.... I found Y/n waiting outside the gate....

"Need a ride back?" Y/n asked.

I felt a little creeped out to be honest.

"No, I'm okay!" I yelled back.

"You told me no to do things half asses!" Y/n responded.

Y/n's response made me laugh.

It was kind of cute actually..... Y/n had waited around until I needed to go home.

"So?!" Y/n asked.

"Gangnam taxi services," I heard an operator finally answer.

My heart fluttered a bit when I noticed Y/n's smile and hung up my phone.

"Alright. Just cus you stayed around to make sure I was okay," I answered before getting into Y/n's car.







Author's Note: What's going to happen to Dani? >.<

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