Chapter Five

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"How could you, Daddy?!" Ashley cried out. "You've been cheating on me!"

Dumbfounded, Daddy asked her: "How did you find out?!"

Ashley glared daggers at him. "Barbara, your first wife, whom you never told me about, dropped by for a visit. She was heartbroken after you divorced her and kicked her out of the house, so she decided to get Facebook to be more social. That's when she saw that you had started dating me before divorcing her."

"That's right," Barbara said. "And when I looked through your account, I saw a picture of you with a different girl. You took advantage of the fact that Ashley doesn't have social media, and you thought you could get away with it. The post that led us here was captioned 'Going on another date with Jessica tonight at my favorite restaurant, #inlove'. We both knew what it was immediately: Fancy Fancy: A Bistro."

Jessica had been silent the entire time that Ashley and Barbara were talking. She was staring at them wide-eyed, astounded that Daddy would do something like this. Finally speaking, she said: "I can't believe this! I was going to tell you at lunch today, Daddy: I'm pregnant!"

"And I was going to tell you when you got home from your 'work' lunch that I'm pregnant!" Ashley exclaimed.

Daddy was shocked. He was going to be a father!

"I know what we can do!" Daddy declared. "We can all live together as a big happy family and raise the children!"

"NEVER!" the women shouted in unison. Jessica picked up her purse and stormed out of the restaurant with Ashley and Barbara, with the many curious pairs of eyes of the other customers following them.

It gets real interesting, next chapter... ;)

Daddy: A Love StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang