America Sings

75 9 16

"I can't do this"

"You can! I believe in you"

"But I dont!! "

I shrieked. I tried to run away but she grabbed me by the back of my shirt and pulled me towards her again.

"Dont you dare run away from me! " she warned me like a worryful mother.

"But Gemma!! I cant!! I just cant!!! "

I begged. I yelped. I cried. It was all useless and before i could plead any more they were called me as my performance was next.

And with in a blink of an eye I was infornt of the most talented people of the century.

"Whats your name sweetheart? " asked Gwen Mitchell. Gwen had this wavy purple ombre hair with pale skin and bright blue eyes.
She was skinny (predictable) and fragile looking but dont be fooled by the chicken in disguise cause she had one of the strongest voices imaginable.
With her high notes and sharp skills she had stunned the world and had become instantly famous after her first hit single "Torn".

" I'm Al-Alexis "- I stammered - " but everyone calls me Alex ... well for short"
I was so confused. Beads of sweat rolled down at the back of my neck. My heart was literally in my mouth and I thought I was going to barf infront of all the judges.
Not to mention the million people behind the tv screens.
And it would be way worst than the time I puked on coach Maloan right after trying to lift some weights.

I threw it all out and right at his face.
Ahh... the thought of it sent shivers down my bones.
But what I was facing now was even worst . Way. Worst.

"Okay Alex... show us what you got" demanded Jack Huston, only the cutest guy ever to walk this planet. With brown frizzy hair just right above his chin and deep blue eyes ... ahhh I was practically drooling as I looked at him. The way his cheek bones moved as he talked and the way he sat there doing nothing and still killing me with each look. It was to die for.(ironic isn't it?)

"Umm yea okay "
Wow Jack Huston had just talked to me and this was what I said umm yea okay? Smooth Alex . Real smooth.

"Im going to sing Ruthless by Carly Myer"

I began all their eyes at me. All four of them,including world famous composer and song writer Josh Nicholas and famous has been Martha O'connor.

I began. I closed my eyes and focused. This is it. I thought.

"You can do this " I whisper to myself.

"Oh how every time
when I see you
I fall
Apart and apart
to pieces
Cant believe it
Oh ... dont you have a heart?

You broke me!
and now I'm on the ground
Im torn
Outta breathe
and all you can be is RUTHLESS! "

I kept singing on and on! I gave it my all. I knew I must be good cause hadn't been stopped yet.

They were listening and they liked what they heard. This thought helped me redeem my confidence and I became louder and louder till my voice echoed and created vibrations in the water that was in bottles infront of each judge.

"Why you gotta be so .... ruthless? "
I ended my song! Opening my eyes and realizing the feelings of the people infront of me.

Gwen was smiling cheek to cheek while Jack Huston had more of an approving grin. I would melt if I looked at him even a second more so I looked away getting red in the face.

Josh Nicholas he wasn't like the others even Martha O'conner was smiling but he? Oh sir, he'd die rather than compliment well quite frankly anyone.

He was a total douche bag but every show has to have one right? Whats the fun in a show without a person making snarky comments and shameful insults that would sometimes be a little too instense?

He was that guy. The one meanie of the batch. If you think cookies are tough to break than compared to that this guy is a rock!

So I didn't even have any expectations. Especially from him.

"Alex that was beautiful " Jack complimented while leaning forward from his chair. His hands interlocked placed on the table supported by his biceps.
Biceps that were enhanced by his tight fitted white button down that seemed like it would rip any minute showing off his perfect strature that I was far too well familiar with.
What? All I have our a few insta - saves and a few twitter and a few fb. A girl can dream right?

Anyway I turned red at his compliment and giggled like literally giggled! How stupid could I be?

What was I doing! I was embarrassing myself!

"I have to agree that was wonderful Alexis! " Gwen cheered on.

She turned to Martha. Cue for her comment. "I cant say that I was really blown away but ill admit it was something "

"I've seen worst." Added Josh Nicholas.

Well it wasn't as bad I had expected. Especially from Josh I mean he has made people cry! And not just girls! But guys! Last season of America Sings a guy literally ran out crying because Josh came a little too hard on him way harder than he had ever been.
So yes, I was grateful that I wasn't drowning in my tears because of his comment that probably would have destroyed the rest of my life and I'm not even exaggerating!

"So Jack is that a yes? " questioned Gwen while facing Jack. He ran a hand through his frizzy hair!

"Oh definitely yes!" He replied smiling and making eye contact ... with me

And the next that happened was nothing I had planned
I threw up!!

I literally threw up!!! I just couldn't hold it in anymore. It was all too intimidating. His eyes were on me! He was JACK HUSTON FOR GOD'S SAKE! In flesh and then all the pressure of all the people staring me behind the screens! I know they were!

"What the ...." cue censor sound!

Martha and Gwen were practically fainting and making disgusting sounds (says the girl who barfed on national tv)

Jack was nodding his head in disappointment whereas Josh was just glaring me. His eyes making holes in me.

I was holding my hand over my mouth. My eyes were going to explode due ro the amount of pressure with which I was staring the judges.

It was a nightmare.

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