Not a Cave!

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"Dipper! How long have we been walking?" I ask very annoyed. Too long, Pacifica, too long! My feet hurt like Hell and I really need food. I haven't eaten all day! More like my parents didn't let me eat...
Dipper glances at his watch and back in front of him, "About an hour."
I groaned and stomped my foot, "How much longer?"
"Stop your whining! We're here!" Dipper said pointing towards a cave.
"A cave!" I ask. Why a cave. Ok, ok. I know exactly what your thinking. And before you say all this stuff about me knowing what your thinking and how that's BS, hear me out. You think it's because caves have dirt in them and I can't get dirt on me at all. No, it's not that at all. Actually, dirt isn't even a problem. It was always a problem for my parents. I, however, just have arachnophobia. For all you people who have no clue what that is, arachnophobia is the fear or spiders. Spiders love many dark places such as CAVES!! Of corse it's not Dippers fault. It's the spiders fault. There like "Oh hey! I'm gonna live in this cave that people may need to take refuge in! I love eating people. MWAHAHAHA!!" Ok, maybe there not exactly like that, but I'm close! Not really...
"Yea a cave... what's wrong with that?" Dipper asked puzzled. I can tell he's confused or maybe upset I don't like it. I love it! But, unfortunately, so do the spiders! "Do you like it?" He asks nervous.
"I love it, Dipper. It's just- it's just..." how do I explained I love the thought put into this, but hate the spiders?!?!?
"Just what?" He asks kinda sadly which brakes my heart..
"I-I have arachnophobia!" I say quickly.
"What does arachnophobia have to do with caves?" Dipper asks. He doesn't sound mean of sarcastic, he sounds more sincere.
"S-Spiders live i-in caves!" I say. I look down and rub my elbow with my other hand.
"Oh... that's why you said you have arachnophobia. Caves have spiders!" He said like he's stupid. Or did he think I was stupid? I must have frowned because he looked embarrassed, "I-I'm sorry for being so-"
"No no. You're ok. Let's set up camp," I said before he could call himself stupid.
It took us a couple hours to set up camp (and I did help) and it was time for dinner. Dipper packed a few meals and told me we'd have to hunt for our food soon. After dinner we went to sleep in a tent Dip brought. I was in the middle of a dream when I felt someone grab me and take me away...
Hey guys! Sorry for my absence and for this dumb chapter. I just kinda got into a new fandom all about gay space rocks.
QOTD: What show am I talking about?
Whoever gets it right first gets a shoutout in the next chap!
So until next time, bye my Kawaii Hamsters ❤️🐹❤️
(Also Paz's view on Arachnophobia and spiders is my view on Arachnophobia and spiders so I'm not saying all people are like that)

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