“Oh Kylie I am so sorry this is horrible, we’re going to get through this though ok?” she said and I shook my head.

“No because when I shift without my mate I’m going to die mom.” I cried.

“No your not, you’re the princess and your too strong to die during a shift.” she replied but I could tell only half of her believed that.

“Mom we have to be prepared for my death because let’s be honest it could happen…” I said sadly and feeling terrible that my mother now had to face losing me.

“We have time to track him down and to tie him to a tree to help you and then we’ll kill the jerk for treason.” she said as she paced by my bed.

“I have no idea what state he’s from he ignored the question all night, I have his first name which could have been a lie, its hopeless…”

“Nothing is hopeless Kylie, I’ll just have your father do what he can. Your not going to give up on me young lady not after everything I went through to keep you safe!” she barked and I cowered back.

“That’s not the only thing that happened this weekend.” I admitted and she stopped and let out a groan.

“Oh god, there’s more?” she asked sitting back down next to me.

“Aria and Gage slept together…” I whispered and her eyes widened.

“I thought Gage was waiting for his mate?” she asked I could hear the sadness in her voice.

“He was, but I guess they both drank too much and you know how Aria has always had a crush on Gage…so I guess it just happened.” I said feeling the betrayal all over again.

“Sweetie I’m sorry, I was hoping you were going to have a great birthday.”

“Yeah me too, but I was rejected by my mate and betrayed by my two best friends.” I said feeling my tears still trickling down my face.

“You are going to get through this Kylie, I’ll be behind you every step of the way ok?”

“Mom what happens if I die?” I asked nervously.

“We won’t let that happen, now I’m going to go speak to your father so we can figure this out. You just stay here and rest and I’ll send some food up for you.” She said and leaned down and kissed my forehead and left. Once she was gone I was left there with my own thoughts which were all depressing and morbid. I decided to take a nap to try and forget about my worst birthday ever but I kept on waking up from nightmares about my death. After tossing and turning for a couple hours I finally decided to give up on trying to get any sleep and went and got in the shower. The hot water felt great on my skin and I felt as if I was washing away all my worries but after 45 minutes in the shower I decided I had been in there too long. I wrapped myself in a towel and went and put on some pajamas since I wasn’t planning on going anywhere today except my bed. As I was pulling my shirt over my head I heard something hitting my window. I walked over to my window and saw Gage down there just like I had yesterday. I went to walk away when I heard the tapping noise again. I opened the window and leaned out a little bit.

“Can I help you!?” I yelled

“I want to talk.” he pleaded.

“I have nothing to say to you Gage, why don’t you go talk to Aria.”

“Please KiKi I made the biggest mistake ever and I need to talk to someone before I go insane!” he yelled and I could hear the frustration in his voice which made me feel really guilty.

“Fine but if I ask you to leave at any time you need to go.” I replied and he nodded. I shut the window and waited for Gage to get to my room. I was still furious at him and Aria but I think once he sobered up this morning he realized what he had done. Gage had been talking about saving himself for his mate since he was 12 years old and Aria had stole that from him. I turned when I heard my door open and he stood there looking so broken.

“I can’t believe how much I screwed up.” he said and sat down on my bed facing me.

“How could you do that Gage, you have always talked about waiting for your mate and you just get drunk and sleep with our best friend!” I accused and he winced.

“KiKi I don’t even remember it, how horrible is that? How do I explain to my mate one day that I had been saving myself but got drunk and slept with my friend but I don’t remember any of it. Do you know what she’s going to think of me?” he cried.

“She’s going to think your are the typical teenage boy which you are not. But Gage she’s going to love you no matter what.” I said even though after what my mate did to me I didn’t know if I should be telling him that. Yet I don’t think any girl could resist Gage, he was handsome, sweet, generous, kind and just perfect. If he hadn’t been such a close friend my entire life I would have wished for him to be my mate. I would have been much better off had he turned out to be my mate…Gage never would have rejected me…

“Your really think she’ll forgive me?” he asked and I nodded, I had a feeling his mate was going to be so happy to find him that she would forgive him for anything.

“There is something I should probably tell you…” I said nervously.

“Oh no are you going to kick me out already?” he asked sadly.

“No, I need to tell you what happened to me last night and well this morning besides you and Aria.” I said and he scooted a little closer to me so he could hold my hand.

“I met my mate and he slept with me and then rejected me…” I whispered and the look of shock on Gage’s face made me start crying all over again.

“Who could reject you!!??” he yelled standing up in outrage.

“Obviously my mate, he also made sure I wouldn’t be able to find him or contact him all I have is his first name.” I cried and he walked over and pulled me into a hug.

“It’s his loss KiKi.” he whispered.

“I know, but it doesn’t change the fact that I’m going to have to shift without my mate…” I mumbled.

“Oh Kylie I didn’t even think of that…” he said sadly. I knew he was thinking of my death and that’s why he was holding me tighter then he had been.

“Maybe I’ll get lucky.” I said trying to be positive but my voice cracked giving me away.

“There has to be a way around dying during your shift without your mate people get rejected all the time.” he mused out loud.

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