chapter 11

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Arthit 💝

Where were you after class today?

Oh, I actually left first


I was just not feeling well

You might, once you look down the window then 😁

I immediately hurried to my window and looked down, there he stood, waving at me with his phone in his hands

I couldn't help but break into a smile, he was more than just perfect, I was so in love with him and I didn't need any other explanations

I was about to text him when my phone rung, a call from him and I picked up even before the first ring

"I cannot come down there Arthit, my mum is home" I pouted, I was sure he could see it even from such a distance

"It's three in the night, isn't she asleep?" Arthit asked back

"She is, but I do need to go all the way down, unlock the door and everything, it's going to make enough noise to wake her up" I reasoned out

I didn't hear another reply and instead I was pushed back into my room, with him right in front of me, grinning oh so effortlessly

"Wh..what was that?" I breathed out

"Perks of having a vampire boyfriend" He replied, wiggling his eyebrows at me

I chuckled, my cheeks were a dark shade of pink, the word boyfriend sent tingles down my skin and I loved it

"Now, I can get you down there the same way with no noise" He suggested, walking closer

I raised an eyebrow at him as he lifted me up in his arms, taking me by surprise and it was before I even knew that we were already down there, by his car

He still held me firm in his arms and I smiled at him, it was clear that he didn't want to let go, but how long were we going to stand that way?

"You can put me down now" I informed, patting his chest lightly

"Oh, do I have to?" He asked, slightly pouting

It was endearing, he was the most handsome yet the cutest man I had ever seem on earth, the most mesmerising being there ever was

"You are lost, Mr sutthalik" He teased me, chuckling right after

I scrunched up my nose at him and he kissed my nose, an unexpected yet the sweetest reaction

"Now, why did you leave so early today?" He asked, and it seemed like he already knew what it was

My smile dropped and I looked away, he let me go and I stood up straight, facing him when he pulled me close again, holding onto my waist

"My friends, they were um talking about stuff.." my voice trailled off

I fiddled with my fingers against his chest and he made me feel so small in front of him, that I could easily hide all of me in him

"And you believed them, petal?" He asked, caressing the sides of my waist

It was enough to melt me, his touch, the nickname, the look in his eyes, it was all more than enough and as a result I leaned into him, my head pressed against his chest now

"Maybe.." I mumbled

He softly kissed the top of my head, placing his left cheek against it and I could feel all my worries and insecurities fading away

"You know why would I never be able to lie to you or get away from you?" Arthit asked

I looked up at him with a questioning look, was there a concrete fact or reason behind it?

"Have you heard how penguins mate only once?" Arthit asked

I nodded at him, yea I had heard that and I thought that it was pretty cute how they were so loyal in comparison to these huge brain filled humans

"Vampires, have certified mates as well" He informed, his grip on me never loosening

I nodded, not in agreement but in understanding, indicating that I was getting it and he could go on

"You are my mate" He declared

"And how do you know that?" I asked, eyes still fixed on my fiddling fingers

I was already pleased and my anger was long forgotten, all I needed was attention, what? I was a clingy one

"The visions you see? Whom have you seen the most frequent number of times?" Arthit asked

I thought, earlier when I hadn't seen him, all I could see was me with a stranger, pale skin and bloody eyes and since the day I saw him, I only see him

"Wait, you know about my visions?" I asked, completely distracted

"Nothing related to you, is hidden from me, hun" He replied

"So the visions, and you being in all of them indicates that I'm your mate?" I asked

"It's a sign that we have always been connected, the fact that I can only read your mind is another indication and.." his voice trailled off, as if he didn't want to continue

"What?" I asked, curious as to what seemed to make quiet

"Your blood, the smell of it, I can't resist it" He replied, eyes everywhere but on me

My fingers stiffened and he felt it as he looked down at me, I was afraid for a second, I wouldn't lie but it seemed to fade away as soon as I stared into his eyes

"You would keep me safe, wouldn't you?" I asked, placing my hand on his cheek

His skin was soft, so very soft but so cold, I always wondered why was that the case? I mean they fed on blood, shouldn't they be hot, well he was, but in a different sense

He leaned into my touch and I got used to the cold feeling, he closed his eyes and looked relaxed

"Always" He replied

I purple you 💜

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