chapter 9

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Is it that easy? To just forget a few days and pretend like they never happened? It hurt me way more than the cut on my lip, it stinged way more than that, it crushed me 

I made my way to the English lecture, the one I usually looked forward to, as arthit sat with me, since the last few days, but of course, not anymore

I had my head inside my book when I heard someone pull the chair beside me and take a seat, I looked up and there he was

He turned to face me and passed me a friendly smile before turning back to face the projector, the professor was yer to come

I scoffed, not even secretly, I wasn't going to hide how much he frustrated me, I stood up and began gathering my belongings gaining his attention

He looked at me with disappointment and pain, he was the one hurt now? And for the first time I was glad he could hear my thoughts

Good luck playing the victim sir

I stormed off, to the other corner, beside Ae who looked at me curiously, it was after a while that I joined him

"What's wrong?" Ae asked


Ae stared at me for a second and I realised that he was waiting for my answer, of course he couldn't hear me thinking

"It's nothing" I replied

"Are you not sitting with him anymore?" Ae asked, eyeing arthit

"I'd rather not" I replied, feeling him staring at me

Ae shrugged it off and did not push it further which I was thankful for, and in a minute or two, the professor arrived, at least I would be busy for a while

The bell rung sooner than it usually did or was it just my imagination again? Anyways I gathered up my stuff again and walked out of the class, sparing him not a single glance

The canteen was packed like usual and I sat down with my friends and they were surprised at my entry and arthit seemed disappointed in a corner, with Jennie

No matter how much I repeated the fact that they had nothing in between them, I couldn't help but feel jealous, she got to be around him, all the time, freely, just because she wasn't human?

Why are you even disappointed now? It was you who wanted to forget

I hoped he was free enough to listen to my thoughts, as I turned to my friends, involving myself in their chattering, catching up on a bit of stuff that I missed

The day was almost over in the blink of an eye and I wanted nothing but to head home, no matter how much I tried to pretend that it was his loss, I knew I missed him too much

It was barely a week of us hanging around together, how did I get so used to him? Maybe admiring him from afar with no hopes was better than this

I walked back home, kicking every stone I found on the way, what did it do? Nothing, it just reduced my aggression bit by bit

I was about to reach home when my eyes fell on that path again, the one thar led me to the forest the other day, when he had come to save me

I stood there, staring at it for too long, weird thoughts pooling in my mind, if he had saved me that day, would he come to save me now too?

Was it worth it to get into trouble if I would be meeting him? It was

That was how crazy I was about him, getting into huge trouble that involved wolves seemed worth it if it meant that I would be meeting him in the end

And so it was decided, I would throw my bag off, head out for a walk and find myself some trouble, he would come to find me, yes he would

[ : Evening : ]

I walked down the road in a hurry, wanting to find myself lost in the forest again, crying for help and then to feel safe in his arms, I was crazy, I knew it

The sun had decided to help me out and so it was gone pretty soon, the atmosphere was cold and it was getting pretty dark, the wind made howling sounds, or was it the wolves already?

I kept walking, it was surprising how every fear that once resided in me had evaporated in thin air, well it was expected, I was in love with a vampire

I heard it again, the growl and the howling, the wolves were around and so was I, where was he? I looked around hoping to find him but instead I locked eyes with a pair of green ones

They hid behind the bushes, not just one but quite a few, staring back at me, they were here, though they didn't seem like the normal wolves, what were they?

Two or three of them jumped over the bushes and right in front of me, just a few metres away, circling me and I knew, I found more than just trouble

Their eyes were hungry and the water dripping from their mouths just seemed to convince me even more, they seemed ready to pounce on me any minute

"Step back!" Arthit's voice echoed in the forest and I was sure every animal heard of it

The wolves, each took a step back but not more than that, they seemed ready to fight back

I felt arthit pull me behind him, his eyes fixed on the animals in front of him, he was furious, his eyes reflected it

"Away from him, before I tear you all into pieces" Arthit hissed

The wolves had decided to accept their defeat this one more time, they glared at him, growled but turned off nonetheless and in a second or two, dissappeared

Arthit turned around to face me, his expression and aura scared me, I was about to say something in my defence, when he pulled me close, into him, hugging me firmly and protectively

I hugged him back, my head pressed onto his chest and his chin resting on head, I couldn't feel his heartbeat, of course he didn't have one

"What on earth is wrong with you?" He asked, his voice shivery

"Let me kick you out of my life and then you tell me what goes wrong with you" I replied

"Kong, I did it for your own good, you are not safe with me" arthit insisted on the same bullshit again

"I'm not safe without you either, am I? You might as well stay with me and protect me" I replied, looking up at him

He looked down at me, at my lips, slightly touching my lower lip with his finger

"It's healing" He mumbled

"All the wounds heal, you just need to give them time" I replied

"I'm afraid I might give you an incurable one" He stated

"Nothing more incurable than my insanity, since the day I saw you" I chuckled

I purple you 💜

A Thousand Years 》Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang