chapter 2

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Rain poured down, rather heavily and I was sure I wouldn't be able to go to college today, it was impossible in this weather excluding the fact that I absolutely hated rain

It reminded me of things I never want to remember, the laughs I never want to hear and the smile I never want to picture again

Why is it always that the things we wish to forget the most are the same things which once, made us the happiest? Life is confusing as shit

I sighed, ready to dive back into my blankets and just skip the day and do nothing but sleep, hiding under these blankets

"Kong!" I heard my mother yell

I didn't want to yell back at her and have her yell back at me and so I just simply walked down the stairs, straight into the kitchen

"Aren't you going to college honey?" She asked softly

"Mom it's raining as if the city would drown today" I reasoned out confused at how oblivious she is of everything

My mum glanced outside the window with furrowed eyebrows as if she hadn't actually noticed the rain before she nodded in a tiny bit of agreement

"It really is raining" she mumbled

"So, can I skip college today?" I asked, wanting to be sure of everything I do, in case she decides to be unobservant again

"Oh yea, head back to your room or do whatever you'd like" she smiled at me

I forced a smile back and walked back to my room, surprised at how she thinks she is nothing but fine, she needs to consult a therapist, only if it wasn't considered such a shame

I pulled open my cupboard doors and wandered my eyes over all of the books in there, my cupboard was seventy percent books and just thirty percent clothes which I think can go down to a twenty

I grabbed my current favourite, the one I have read for like a good six times, The  Fault In Our Stars, it was a heartbreaking legend and I absolutely loved it

I turned the pages silently until I reached to my favourite chapter, the one in where Hazel and Augustus had gone all the way to meet the grumpy writer

I loved that chapter, it had all the emotions in it and I loved emotions, something very odd isn't it? A boring fact about me, I loved emotions

As my eyes travelled through each line and each word, my mind gad found another destination and had it's very own map navigating it to his final place, him

It was so weird how I suddenly regretted not going to college, I could have made a bit of efforts, brought a raincoat or something and should have gone, I would at least see him

I sighed again, it was impossible to count the amount of times I sighed in the last few weeks, because all I ever really felt was tired

I put the bookmark in place and threw the book right beside me before staring up at the ceiling, what must he he doing?

You are obsessed! Shut up, will you?

I needed to get him off my mind and what exactly would do the trick? A walk? Not sure but worth a try

The rain had slowed down and so it was easy to convince my mother who hadn't even noticed the thundering in the first place

I pulled the hood over my head and headed out in the open sky, the wind blew cold and calm and I had this sudden urge to smile, I rarely did

I walked down the road, passing arthit's house, his car was missing and obviously he was at college, I stood in front of his house for two longer seconds before I pushed my feet forward

I have never been the obsessive type and that was again until I saw arthit, I would never consider it a 'met arthit' because we never actually met, we haven't yet either

It was just me seeing him and him noticing me seeing him, nothing more than that and nor do I think it ever will be

He was nothing but a dream for somebody like me, his dream would be Jennie, the picture perfect girl, she was it

And again, I don't think he is interested in boys, is he? Oh, such a tragic love story to begin with

I never knew how impossibly unseparable part of my life he would become, I never knew it when I first saw him that day

It was the first day of the new session, second year of college, new faces everywhere as I headed to my lecture

The class was filled with students gossiping in hurdles, and I quickly took a seat at the back, hoping I had be alone here in the corner

Though my hopes shattered rather quickly when I felt someone pulling the chair placed beside me before taking a seat

I glanced at the presence beside me, it was him, arthit, sitting so peacefully, staring right in front of him as if I just didn't exist

It was then itself that I noticed his inhuman beauty, he was beyond beautiful, unreal, I had no words to explain him, he was....mesmerising

I must have stared for too long because I saw him turn to me with a questioning eyebrow, and that's when I noticed his eyes, Hazel eyes

He stared right into me, as if he was trying to read me and before I'd say something embarrassing, I looked away

I was sure my cheeks were tinted red, as much as I loved emotions, I hated showing them

And it was since then that I had no idea, and no control over my thoughts and my eyes when he was in reach of them

I really need to do something to get him off my mind, to get him off, all over me, it wasn't healthy

What would help? Talking to him? Maybe he isn't that special of a human from within, maybe I won't like him once I talk to him, that's possible isn't it?

I mean a person cannot be perfect inside and out and since he, with no doubt is perfect from outside, he has to have some flaws within

That would be it, seems like the most stupid, the most desperate but the only possible idea right now

And I knew that I wouldn't be able to sleep the following night, why?

I would be talking to Arthit Rojanapat tomorrow! I mean only if he talked back

I purple you 💜

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