Chapter 1.9) Will Is Alive!

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We reached the Byers, as we started setting the weapons and supplies according to the plan. Johnathan set the bulbs and lights on place, as I set the bear trap outside Will's room, while Nancy loaded the guns and placed the weapons on the table. Johnathon hammered nails into the bats to make it even more dangerous for the Demogorgon.

When we were done setting up the things, I decided to slit my hand so that Nancy and Johnathan can kill the Demogorgon easily

"Guys, I will do it"

"What? No, we three are gonna do this together.", Nancy said

"No, if we all do it, it will not be easy to shoot"

"I mean, will you be okay?", Johnathan asked

"Of course, I am doing this for Will", Nancy and Johnathan smiled.

I held the knife in my hand,
"Remember, Straight into Will's room, and..", Johnathan said.

"Don't step on the trap", Nancy said

"Wait for the yo-yo to move", I added

"Then..", Johnathan flicks the lighter as we nodded. "Ready?"

I nodded. As they started counting, I touched the knife to my palm.



"You don't have to do this alone, Y/N", Johnathan said. "Johnathan, stop"

"1", I slit my hand as the blood dripped from my hand on the carpet. I winced in pain.

Nancy helped me dress the wound, all of a sudden, we heard a sound on the door.

"You guys heard that?", Nancy asked.

"Its just the wind, don't worry", I said

"My mom said the lights flicker when the thing comes"

Suddenly a loud banging came on the door, making me jump out of my skin.

"Johnathan? Are you there? Its Steve!, I just want to talk, man"

"Steve?", I looked at Nancy and Johnathan, shocked, they had a shocked look on their faces.

Nancy went to answer the door, her head peeking out. "Steve, listen to me"

"Nancy, what are y-"

"You need to leave, now!"

"I am not trying to start anything, okay?"

"Just leave!, we will talk later"

"No, listen, listen!, I messed up okay? I just want to make things right", he said as he peeked his head inside and glanced at me, then at my hand.

"Hey, what happened to N/N, what's going on?"

"No, no, Steve, I told you we will talk about this later!"

"Nancy, who did this to her?!!, let me in!"

"No, Steve!", Nancy yelled as he pushed the door open and came towards me.

"What happe-", he trailed off as he glanced at the room, he saw gasoline, bear traps, bulbs, "What the--"

"Listen, you need to go", Johnathan said as he tried to push Steve outside.

"What's happening??!!"

"I am not asking you, Steve!, I am telling you to go!", Johnathan yelled.

Suddenly, Nancy pulls out her gun and aims it at Steve.

"Steve, get out, you have 5 seconds!"

"What?, Nancy!"

"Steve, get out", I yelled

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