Chapter 1.4) Photographs

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November 08, 1983

I woke up and got ready for school, I decided to look out for the kids after school until I know about Will. They went to woods at night without informing their mom, what if something happened to them?.

I wore a light orange sweater with jeans and white shoes.

I wore a light orange sweater with jeans and white shoes

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I sat in my car and drove off to school. I went to Ms.Williams class.

After the class, I saw a commotion in the parking lot.

Steve and Johnathan

Shit, I ran towards them. Steve looked at me but I ignored his glare. "What happened, J?", Nancy joined the conversation.

"What's going on?", Nancy said.

"Here's the starring ladies", Tommy said.

"The creep was spying on us last night, he was probably gonna save this for later", she said handing a photo to Nancy.

I went beside Nancy and peek my head to see the photo, it was a picture of Nancy undressing.

I turned to Johnathan and frowned at him, "What the hell am I looking at, Johnathan?"

I look at Johnathan for an answer but he refuses to look at me, instead he looks at the ground.

"Johnathan, I am asking you something", I said, sternly. He was still silent.

"See, you can tell he knows, he is wrong. Man, that's the thing about freaks, it's hardwired into 'em, they can't just help themselves, you know", I glared at Steve.

"Johnathan, tell me", I asked.

"So...", Steve trailed off, looking at me, "We will just have to take away his toy".

I glared at him, "Steve..", Nancy said.

"No, please...not the camera", I looked at him as he finally speaks. I know he did a wrong thing, but he needs to explain himself.

"Steve, stop it now", I said to him, sternly. He looked at me.

"See, Y/N, you said you are not my friend anymore, so let me do what I want to, I am not gonna listen to you".

"Here you go, man", Steve said , giving the camera to Johnathan. I knew he was going to drop it, I knew him very well, there was not even a single chance of him letting Johnathan go.

But as he tried to dropped the camera, I put my hand out underneath the camera and catched it before it crumbles into pieces.

I catched the camera and turned to Steve, "Thank you", I said, giving him a glare. I gave the camera to Johnathan, he sighed.

Steve glared at me. I wanted Steve back, but as my childhood friend. I loved him a lot, but ever since, he turned into a popular bully. I kept distance from him.

He was staring at me as he tore all the photos, he had in his hands.

"Come on, the show is about to start", he said, walking away with Carol and Tommy.

I crouched and helped him collect the pieces. Nancy just stood there.

"Come on, Nance", he yelled.

Nancy hurriedly crouched and collected some pieces and walked away with Steve.

"Thanks, Y/N", Johnathan said, sniffling.

"Its okay, Johnathan, it's fine", I said patting his back, smiling. He smiled slightly. I don't care what happened, he just doesn't deserve something like that at this moment.

(Timeskip after school)

I sat in my car, ready to drive to the Wheeler's, but Nancy hurriedly came and hop in the passenger seat.

"What happened, Nance? Do you need a ride home?"

"Take me to the woods by Steve's house"

Steve's house, I didn't even turn to his house, ever since we stopped talking.

"What? Doesn't he give you a ride?"

"I don't want him to know, let's go!"


"Don't ask. Drive!, I will explain on the way"

"Jeez, okay"

I drove to the woods near Steve's house.
Nance explained me on the way, that she can't find Barb, just like how Will went missing. I really miss that sweet boy. I wish I dropped him to his house that night. We checked at his pool from far behind. We checked for a long time, and returned to my car.

I drove to Wheeler's, to drop Nance. I saw her crying, she really cared about Barb, she was her best friend. I was really sad to see her like this.

"Don't worry, Nance. We will find her", I said, keeping my hand on her shoulder.

She nodded. "Go inside and sleep, Nance. You must be tired, we will look out for her, tomorrow."

"Thank you so much, and sorry"


"Y'know, Steve and Johnathan"

"Ohh, about that. No worries, Nance. It's fine."

She smiled and waved at me. She went inside her house.

I drove to my house, I knew I needed to check on the kids, so I reached home and called Mrs Wheeler.

"Hey Mrs Wheeler, it's Y/N"

"Hey, sweetie"

"Can you tell me if the kids are still at your house"

"They left for their house a long time ago, they must have reached"

"Alright, Mrs Wheeler. Good Night"


I called at their houses and all the kids reached. I sighed as I went to bed.

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