Chapter 1.8) The Bath

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We were in the police station, as Flo, the assistant, was getting some ice packs for me and Johnathan.

"Will we be out of here, soon?"

"You two? Yes. Him? No", she replied

"How long are you gonna keep him?"

"You and your boyfriend have big plans, do you?"

"He is not my boyfriend", Nancy replied

"You should tell him that"

"What?", Nancy asked as I raised my eyebrows in confusion.

"Only love makes you that crazy, sweetheart", she said. "Your boyfriend could use some ice too"

"What? Who are you talking about?", I frowned in confusion

"The one who ran away", she said

"He was my ex- best friend"

"Maybe I heard the story, wrong", she said as she walked away, we stood there in confusion

"Did you understand, what she said?", Nancy asked.

"Nope, not even a single word"

She sighed, "Thanks for standing up for me". I smiled.

"You don't need to thank me, Nance"

"Sorry, for how Steve acted"

"Yeah, he was never like this, when we were best friends, ever since he joined high school, he turned into a popular bully."

"I am sorry"

"Its not your fault, Nance"

"How's your cheek?"

"It hurts, but I will be fine"

"Its gonna swell really bad, Y/N", she said with a concern look on her face.

"Its ok, Nance", I sighed. She handed me an ice pack as we walked to Johnathan. Nancy helped him apply ice to his wounds. I held the ice pack to my cheek.

"Are you okay, Johnathan?"

"Yeah, I am fine, you?"

"Yeah", you sighed

"Can you show me?"

I nodded, as I pulled the ice pack away from my cheek and showed it to them.

"It has an red handprint and it's pretty much swollen, Y/N".

"I will be fine, don't worry".

I was sitting next to Johnathan and Nancy, that's when I saw Hopper and Ms Byers entering the police station.

"Johnathan, what happened?", she panicked

"I am fine", he sighed as Officer Callahan came towards us.

"Why is he wearing handcuffs?", she asked the officer.

"Ma'am, he assaulted a police officer"

"Take them off", she ordered.

"Ma'am, I can't do that"

"I said take them off!", she yelled at the officer.

"You heard her, Callahan, take them off", Hopper said.

Me and Nancy silently sat there and listened to the conversation.

Another officer stood up from his chair and came towards us. "Chief, I get everyone's emotional here, but there is something you need to see"

The officer gestured at the other cop to bring the boxes of supplies, the one we bought.

"What is all this?", Joyce said as she checked the box.

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