Long Days, Long Nights

877 17 162

[[I'm sorry I have no idea what to title this, hope you like it!]]

seek pov

I sprint after the human, some of my goo sticking to the floor as I step. I watch them stumble as they try to get past me. But They wont.

They open the door, just to find out that it's another one of those split rooms. They are my favourite, as a lot of humans go the wrong way.

I see their hoodie get stuck on a sofa and I'm able to catch up.

I watch their face turn to pure horror as I approach them, then crack their neck and throw them against the wall to make sure they are dead.

Lean against a wall for a moment to regain my breath, then quickly walk to the end of my chase. Finally, my work was done for the day.

When I get to the door, I ran as fast as I can to door 50, as I know I will get to see Figure.

Figure is the entity I like most in this hotel. He is very comforting, and he just makes you feel at ease whenever you're around him. Not only that, but he is the kindest. He even lets us entities borrow books from his library.

I eventually arrive at the big bronze doors of the library. Knocking, then clutching the metal handle with my hand, and pulling open the heavy door.

I make sure to close it quietly, as I know Figure doesn't like loud noises, including the slam of his library doors.

"Seek!" he says from across the room, a element of happy in his voice.

"hey Figure!" I reply, walking over to the desk he is sat at.
I can see he was reading one of his braille books, as his finger is rested on a row of dots.

I pull up a chair and sit next to him, while he closes the book he was reading, and puts it to the side.

"how many humans did you catch today? " Figure asks, "because not many got to my library."

"yea, I caught a few." I stated.

"shall we go see the others?" figure suggested.

"I'm okay with that," I said, standing up.

Despite his blindness, Figure could actually navigate around his library pretty well, but when it came to the other rooms, he needed a bit of help.

I held open door 50 for him, then grabbed hold of his hand so I could guide him through the labyrinth of rooms.

After what seemed like forever, I could faintly hear the mutter of the other entities voices through the thin walls, meaning we were close.

As I opened the next door, I let go of Figures hand because I knew he knew where he was going.

The next door after that, was my hallway, where most of the entities individual rooms are.

I could see Rush, Ambush, Eyes and Dupe all talking in a group near one of the doors. Screech and Timothy seemed to be trying to make something out of paper, and I guessed the others were in their rooms.

Rush signalled us over, "Figure, Seek, come over here!"

We walked over to the group and they all greeted us and I greeted them.

A few hours of talking and stuff later...

"Black," I replied to Ambush, who asked what my favourite colour is.

I glanced over at the clock placed halfway down my hallway. 12:45?! Nearly 1 am, no wonder I'm tired.

Figure let a yawn escape his mouth. "I'm tired, I think ill go back to the library now." he said.

"do you need me to guide you?" I asked.

"that would be nice if you're ok with it," he answered.

The others kept talking while we walked away. I pushed open the door for Figure and he thanked me.

I closed the door then Figure placed his hand in mine. I wasn't complaining. I loved the feeling of Figures warm body next to mine.

I walked slightly infront of the fleshy entity so I could lead him better.

I placed my hand on the handle, but quickly realised that it needed a key. "hang on, this door is locked," I exclaimed while letting go of his hand.

I go to the nearest drawer and open it. I saw two weird shaped metal sticks. I picked them up and realised they were lock picks.

I looked in another drawer. I found the key and walked back over to Figure.

"do you want the lock picks I found? I have loads," I questioned.

"sure, they would probably come in handy one day." He said. I handed them over to him and he rolled them about in his hands, trying to figure out the shape.

I slid the key into the lock, and twisted it to unlock the door.

We carried on going through the hotel, eventually arriving at the doors of the library.

"i'll see you tomorrow seek," Figure sang.

"see you tomorrow."

Figure opens the library doors and waved, before closing them again.

I ran back through the hotel, quickly arriving at my hallway. The group of entities weren't there, neither were Screech or Timothy. Because it's pretty late, I assumed that they had gone to their rooms.

I opened one of the doors and walked down the little corridor, with rooms sprouting of one side. Rush's, Ambush's, screech's and my room were the rooms down the corridor.

The other door has a corridor with Jack's, Halt's, eyes' and dupe's rooms.

I carefully open my door, trying not to make a sound.

I was too tired to do anything else, so I just shut my door and flopped down onto my bed. I got under the covers and closed my eyes and tried to go to sleep.

But my mind was flooded with images of figure.

His kind personality was perfect. He never made you feel bad if you did anything wrong. He would make everyone feel included and special.

He is my best friend.

Wait, why am I thinking about him?

But before I could think anymore, I fell asleep.

[[thank you for reading! If you have feedback, feel free to tell me. I would like to know what you think.
I was struggling to find synonyms of said so some are a bit weird.
Well I hope you liked it! :)
Words: 1069 ]]

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