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Their moans, giggles and the skin slammed sound echoed out of the door. Magnus was moaning loud but not like Alec. Every time Alec touch Magnus sweet spot it pushed him on the edge. His nails tugged on Alec's back skin but he didn't care.

Mags: Ahh.. Alexander..
He wrapped his legs around Alec. Alec sucked Magnus neck hungrily while took him completely. He gasped in Magnus neck and bite his shoulder when he reached climax.

Magnus threw his head and moaned loudly if animals walking near the forest they can easily find them only by his moans. Magnus legs give up after the hot love making. The car finally stopped dancing by their wild activity.

Mags: I love you my hot husband..
Alec: I love you my world my love my everything..
They breathed hard and lying on the car seat helplessly. But their lips only moved in perfect sync. They kissed hard aggressively. Eating each others lips without giving any break. Alec whined when his phone buzzed. They didn't attend because they knows it's from their family members.

After half an hour they came where their wedding ceremony arranged. They smiled at everyone and walked inside.
Clary: I thought you two are never come..
Mags: Maybe we're busy but we have to attend this for you guys.. I know you all put your effort for our marriage..
He winked at her. Everyone smiled at him. Alec adore his husband charming.

Jace: Where's your tie buddy?
Alec opened his eyes widen. Magnus laughed. Because Alec tied Magnus hand above his head while start their love making then he removed it for Magnus wants to touch Alec's body.
Izzy: It's okay big brother.. You don't have to explain.. We all know what did you do..

Magnus and Alec both are blushed hard. So Magnus and Alec's friends, families laughed at them. Everyone started dancing and drinking. All couple dancing nicely but malec only dancing perfectly because Magnus knows how to dance amazingly and he guided his husband so their bodies moved perfectly.

Mary: They looks made for each other..
She smiled and said emotionally to mayrse.
Mayrse: Yeah.. Finally our children found their destination..
She said with a satisfaction smile.

Rhap: Truth or dare?
He said Izzy while playing truth or dare. Malec, Clace, Sizzy and Ragnor, Caterina and Raphael playing.
Izzy: Dare..
'Ohh' everyone said.
Rhap: Make out with someone expect Simon..
Everyone laughed because Simon argued.

Izzy kissed his cheeks and looked at everyone. His eyes landed on Magnus. Alec mouthed 'I'll kill you'. So Magnus laughed. Izzy pointed at Clary. Jace said 'no' but she pulled her and make out five minutes. Magnus and Alec laughed looking at Simon and Jace face. Magnus felt Alec held his left hand and intertwined with his right hand under the table.

He looked at his man who looking into his eyes with so much of love. His smile reached his big eyes. Magnus tighten his fingers and put on his thigh and pecked on his lips. Alec blushed. Others played two or three rounds but malec lost by locking each others eyes. They're now in their private world but Magnus looked away when Izzy called him.

Izzy: It's my turn.. Magnus.. Magnus truth or dare..
Mags: Um.. Truth..
He looked at Alec with a smile.
Izzy: Tell me about your funny moment in the bedroom..
Alec: Izzy..
Everyone laughed. Magnus thought and said.
Mags: It's happened after we confess our love..
Alec also looked at him with a curious look because it's happened before two years so he didn't know what he'll going to say.

*Magnus pov
Alec came to my house with a drunken state. Because he came from the party. Once he got inside he kissed me hard and lifted me. He put me on the bed and went on top of me.

Alec: Baby.. I want a baby..
I couldn't help laughed loudly so he got angry.
Alec: Magnus I'm serious..
I know what he mean. He didn't say he want to adopt but..
Mags: We can't-
But he stopped me and said.
Alec: I can.. We can Magnus.. I'm sure I'll make you pregnant tonight.. Because I've more stamina..
He said like it's going to happen. I know he's not in mind to listen to me. So we removed our dress while kissing. He slowly went down kissing on my neck. I laughed without making any sound because he slept while licking my neck. I hugged him and laughed until I sleep*

Everyone laughed holding their stomach. Jace and Simon fell on the floor while laughing. Alec closed his face with his one hand because another hand grabbed Magnus hand under the table. Even laughing they didn't loose their hands. After the laughing session. They went two more round in the game then Clary asked Alec.

Alec: Dare..
He smirked at Magnus who squeezed their hands.
Clary: Do Magnus lose control in one touch..
Magnus blushed. Everyone looked at then like they'll going to start their show.

Alec put his hand on Magnus right side face and pulled him. Magnus looked at Alec's desirable eyes. He closed his eyes because he thought Alec going to kiss him but Alec turned his face and slowly licked Magnus neck to his earlobe.

It's a one simple touch but Magnus felt shivers and he put his right leg on his left leg. Alec laughed. Because when Magnus opened his eyes on one in that place. They know if malec start anything no one control them so they all left. Magnus looked at Alec.

Alec: I did..
He looked at Magnus legs. Magnus blushed.
Mags: I love you Alexander lightwood-bane..
He said with a husky voice. They felt their precious love and happiness overwhelmed. They felt more emotional now.

Alec cupped Magnus face with he both hands. Magnus eyes told how much he waited for this day. They got married officially. Now their name changed lightwood-bane. They no need secret meet, secret love making because they're now husbands who married with a so much love.

Alec: I love you so much Magnus lightwood-bane..
He kissed Magnus forehead before hugged him tightly. Magnus wrapped his hands around Alec's body. He pulled Magnus and lifted him.
He walked with his man towards their room. Alec put him on the bed and kissed him. It's filled with full of emotions. After sharing beautiful kisses they drifted into the sleep while hugging each other like it's a precious moment..!

Love me or leave meOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz