Curious, you ask, "What other ways?"

"You can let me fuck you whenever I wanted."

"So, you would want to turn your best friend, who is a law-abiding citizen and an upstanding pillar of the community, into a prostitute?"

"Whoa.... Where are you getting that idea from?"

"Sex for goods equals prostitution, Owen Murphy!"

"No way. That's bartering at best."

He drops his messenger bag on the ground, grabs your hand and walks to his bedroom with you in tow. Owen says, "Tell me what happened, while I get changed."

You lay out step by step as to what happened with Jimin earlier today at work. When you get to the part of Jimin telling you to stop having sex with Owen, he says, "Darlin, go have a seat on the bed, I'll be right out."

While you are waiting for him to emerge from his walk-in closet, you continue to tell him what Jimin had said and did to you today. You say, "He flat out told me that he wanted me to stop having sex with you. When I asked him why, he said because he wanted me to stop. I kept bringing up Piper in the conversation, telling him that he should be focusing on her and to leave me alone."

Feeling tired, you decide to lie down on the bed as you continue to talk. "Then there was all this back and forth. Owen, I am not proud of what I am about to tell you, so please don't judge me. When he said all that stuff about him wanting me to be his, I told myself to leave, to get out of there, but I couldn't. It was like my feet were cemented to the floor. That's when he came behind me and pulled me back down onto the couch and kissed me."

You let out a loud and long sigh. Then you say, "As soon as he put his lips on mine, his phone rang. He picked it up to see who it was and before he could accept the call, I saw a picture of him kissing a smiling woman's cheek, with the caller ID that read 'Piper.' When he picked up the phone and started talking about their long weekend getaway, I was finally able to get my wits about me again and left." As you let out another long and heavy sigh, you say, "It's exhausting just talking about it. Hey, what are you doing in there? Dang... I'm so sleepy all of a sudden. Oh, by the way, I really need to get home at a decent time tonight. I need sleep really badly." You say as you let out a big yawn.

"Are you even listening?"

"Yea, Darlin. Take a little nap. I'm going to hop in the shower. It'll be 5 minutes."

"Oh, okay. I'm not going to sleep. I'm just going to rest my eyes."

By the time Owen is out of the shower, you are dead asleep. Owen decides to order dinner before waking you up. With dinner ordered, he returns to his bedroom and sees you snoring away softly. He doesn't have the heart to wake you, so he decides to join you on the bed. Owen proceeds to wrap his arms around you, pulling you to him. When you are jostled, instead of waking up, you let out a soft moan and rub your face on Owen's chest like a sleepy baby. Owen watches you burrow into him as you continue to snore softly. He shakes his head and thinks, "She still needs so much looking after," and embraces you a bit tighter.

Owen isn't sure when he fell asleep, but he wakes up to his doorbell ringing. "Oh, that must be dinner." He releases you from his arms and gets up to answer his door. Owen tips the delivery person as he takes the food from them. He decides to set up the dinner on the kitchen island and returns to the bedroom to wake you up. He lies back down next to you, on his side, and gently brushes the hair out of your face. Then he says softly, "Hey, dinner's here. Wake up, Darlin." Owen watches you stir, without waking up. He leans in and lays a kiss on your lips.

When he pulls his lips away from yours, he hears you say, "That's a nice way to wake up from a nap." Your eyes are still closed, but you have a satisfied smile on your face.

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