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It had been two days since Merlin left. Multiple search parties came and went with no news of his whereabouts. The knights stayed up most nights, looking over maps of his possible location. Gauis stayed to himself, not talking to anyone.

Arthur, however, Arthur was worst of all. He insisted on going with every search party, and after he returned he would announce when the next party would head out, then went straight to his study.

He didn't talk to anyone. He wouldn't see anyone. He just sat, locked in his study.

Nobody knew what he did all day, but everyone was worried. With Merlin gone there seemed to be a dark haze that had fallen over. No one seemed cheerful anymore, like all happiness left with Merlin.Word spread around Camelot that the King was sick, and that sorcerers had put a curse on him and the kingdom.

One the morning of the third day after Merlins parting, Arthur heard a knock on his study rooms door. This wasn't uncommon the knights were always trying to check up on him, but he always answered the same,

"I'm busy right now, come back later"


Arthur froze, it wasn't any of his knights, the voice that came from the other side of his door was that of Gauis.

"Come in"

Gauis opened the door and walked to the center of the room, just before the desk that Arthur was sitting behind. After a long pause, Gauis spoke.

"I think... I think, I know where Merlin is"

Arthur had gone still as stone, but only blinked at Gauis waiting for him to go on.

"Now I could be wrong", Gauis continued talking in an uncertain fashion, "but when Merlin was just a child, I would go visit him and his mother. Usually, I would just stay in their house, but on this one day in particular Merlin asked me if he could show me something. He took me to an abandoned house a few hours away from his town. The house sat beside a quiet little stream, and a beautiful meadow. There was nothing inside the house, Merlin and I sat down on the grass by the stream. That was the spot he told me about his magic. When I asked why he had taken me there he just simply said, 'its safe'. [he took a long pause, then added quickly] He couldn't have been more than  five, and I-uh, I don't even know if he remembers...but I ah, I think their might be a chance that he's there."

When Gauis finished, he stared at Arthur. Arthur still hadn't moved, and hadn't broken eye contact. He finally leaned forward and folded his hands on his desk.

"Do you remember where it is"

"Yes sire"

"Then lets go"

Arthur abruptly stood up, and started to walk toward the door.

"Arthur wait" Arthur came to a halt in the doorframe, but didn't turn around.

"If we do find him, are you prepared for the version of Merlin you might see"

Arthur still didn't answer, but remained in the door way.

"Merlin, he may be different. We don't know what Nimeuh has made him do, made him act like...I know you have heard of sorcery attacks on the outlying villages  of Camelot. I know you have heard of the destruction Merli—"

"Enough. We leave in 30 minutes"

And with that Arthur left.

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