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I woke up by someone's poking my cheek then whispering to my ear

"wake up shuji we're here" i start to blink multiple times then scanning where we are right now, that's when it hits me that we have a date in a mall, i sit up properly looking at the window, realized we just arrived, i looked at my boyfriend next to me, chuckling before grabbing my hand to walk us out to the bus

"i-sorry i fell asleep..."

"it's fine you look cute tho while sleeping" my cheeks flushed from what he said, then he laughed

"stop..." he then stopped after i told him

"alright alright... Come on" we began to walk inside the mall, with our hands intertwined together

"are you hungry?" he then asked and i shook my head

"how about we go-" my stomach rumbled, stopping me to what i was about to say, and that made jeonghan laughed and grabs my hand, leading to find any place to eat

"is there a place you want to eat joshuji?"

"uhmm there.. Can we eat at that place" i pointed to the place where it has a rustic decorations from outside

"sure babe"

We entered to the foodplace and searched for any vacant seats to sit, and fortunately we did at the corner

"is this booth fine with you?" he asked and nodded, then we both sat down, him sitting facing to me while i was facing to him.

"so... order what you want shuji, my treat" he said warmly, i nods

I opened the menu book, and look for any food im craving at

"i'll order spicy kimchi stew" i said shyly

"no need to be shy shuaa, its just me dont worry" he grinned

"well that even make me shy more!" i said raising my tone a bit

"okay okay, i'll just get us a waiter hm?" i nodded

I watched him calls for a waiter to come on our booth, and telling our orders

"we'll order up 1 BBQ beef short ribs, 1 spicy kimchi stew, and for drinks..."

"i'll take iced tea if that's fine, jeonghan"

"then 2 iced tea" the waiter nodded and then made his way back to the kitchen

Before jeonghan could go back to his seat, a person called for me

"Joshua hyung?!" i looked to where that word came out, just then i saw a familiar person


"i-" he then got pushed by his group, pulling him by his hand, to go at some place

"come on chan"

My heart pains at the sight i just seen, my former friend calls for me then got pulled away

I knew he didn't want to be there as i saw his scared face when he got pulled away, i wanted to run to him and save him from those jerks

"shua?" i then turned to where jeonghan was and look at him, didn't know that i still have that sadness on my face

"is there something wrong?" he asked

"a-ah no, don't worry about i was just zoning out" he then looks confused

"as you say so..." a silence made between us, i don't know what to say or to do, just then he started to break the silence

"wanna take a picture?" an 'o' shaped formed on my mouth

"s-sure!" he then pick up his phone from his pants pocket, then opening the camera app

"is this angle good?" i nodded and smiled

"alright 3... 2... 1!"

"oh you look cute here shuji, just saying" i blushed at he said

"i'll take a photo of you even im terrible at it" i then laughed, didn't knew he took a picture of me while i was laughing

"okay shuji pose!"

After a countdown, he took a shot of me

"lets take a look of your photos" he pressed the gallery app and starts looking at every shot of me that was taken by him

"oh this ones cute shuji" i ignored him and starts to think for an evil plan

"my turn!" i snatched the phone on his hand then ordering him to pose

"pose for me this time hannie" i then made a countdown and take a different shots of him

"pose for me this time hannie" i then made a countdown and take a different shots of him

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"cute" i then looked at his blushing face, chuckling"

After a few seconds, the food arrived and we starting eating our food

"so shuji where do you wanna go next?"

"hmmm ah! Camera shop, im just gonna look at it, and not going to buy"


Jeonghan placed the bill on the table and we walked out to the place and finds a camera shop

"oh there!" i pointed at him and we start walking rogether at that place

"may i take a look at the cameras?" the guy nodded and was about to hand shake me for no reason but jeonghan stopped him

"sorry you're not allowed to touch what's mine" the guy rolled his eyes and starts going bacj to the counter, i blushed at what he said and look at him

"why you do that!" i said almost whisepering to him

"dont forget the rule baby" he winked while, i rolled my eyes

I continue to search for my favorite, until now i found one and a new one, i would like to buy it before someones but nevermind

"thank you for letting us look" tje customer nodded

To be continued...

A/n: pop

Feb 18, 2023

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