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"Thanks for bringing me home" i bowed at him and he nodded in response, he walks away without looking at his back and i felt sad, i couldn't give him anything from return, but soon i finally made up my mind, i run to him in the rain and he was surprised, "Please get inside, I'll cook for the dinner" he nodded "Okay" i lead him back to my house, and i let him sit down for some time, because i'm going to cook for our dinner.

I grabbed some ingridiwnts at the cabinet noticing, i was running oit and have to do groceries soon,

"Hey, i'm bored where's the remote?"

"oh it's just under the console table" he nods and crouch under the table and found the remote, i look at him picking a news,

After some time the food is finally cooked, so i walk to the couch and call him for dinner

"U-uhm, dinner's ready"

"Hmm okay" we sat down in the wooden chair looking at the food in front of him

"I-is there something wrong? Im sorry if my cook is bad, you can throw it away if you want..."

"No, its just it looks very delicious just from the sight" he said and it made me chuckled a bit

"Oh, thanks this is my first time cooking for a guest, so yeah.." i scratched the back of my head akwardly laughing, as the older keeps his poker face

"So, let's eat?" he nods and starts to take a taste on what i made, i was nervous if the taste was good or not but hopefully it is good

"Not bad, this is actually my first time eating rice omelette and i would say, its good" i sighed deeply as it was passed my dish to him

After some time we both finish our food and i cleaned the tables and wash the dishes

"do you live here by yourself?"


"oh same if you exclude my butler and maid" my mouth formed a 'o' shape at what he said

"we're just the same then" i smiled at him but he turns quickly avoiding my gaze which saddened me

"Well then, i better go now its getting late, thanks for having me... Pretty boy"

I blushed at the 2 words "h-how can he do that...?" i was frozen standing on my door not noticing he finally gets on a cab

When i got back from conscious, i looked at the cab but it was nowhere to be seen anymore, so i walked back inside my apartment

I got ready for my night routine and spend my last days here, as i just realized i forgot about to find a job and even if i do, its too late, i was about to be homeless in days, so i flopped down to my bed and talks to myself one last time before i close my eyes

"Just so you know i like you.."

I woke up at the sound of my alarm, i thwn again start my usual morning routine and get dressed in uniform today

As usual, i walked by myself going at the school and my mood got ruined when i saw chan talking to my bullies all smiley, guess im replaced now and back to total 0 friends

I didn't knew someone was watching me as i walked head in low, eyes look at the marble floor, i bumped into some a tall guy and he got mad quickly, and i auickly apologized

"watch your step you loser" i squeezed my eyes at the feeling he was about to punch me, and after for 3 seconds i dont feel any pain, so i opened my eyes and saw a another hand, stopping the punch from the tall guy, i looked at the person and i widen my eyes, it was jeonghan

"j-jeonghan?!" i gasped in surprised

"Hey look president, i didn't meant to punch his face, he bumped at me first ugh"

"i- i didnt..." embarrassed to say anything from everyone who was watching us, so instead i looked at the floor once again

"heh nice acting when i literally saw what you did to Mr. Hong, or should i say... My pet" he smirks and i blushed at him, making everyone gasped and gossiping to each other

"if you say one more word, the next three seconds, you will realized you're lready dead" he smirk and grabbed me making me follow him

"J-jeonghan... What was that?" i blurted out, i mentally facepalm myself for what escaped from my mouth, when i knew he's really mad

We reached the rooftop, not caring about the class right now, he released his grip to me

I looked at my arm massaged it, as i saw pale red marks on my arm because of the tight grip

"Hey" He said with a cold tone, i looked at him, with scared face

"Im sorry what i said earlier, calling you my pet, it was just the words that made up on my mind" he scratched his nape

"I-uhh..." i was speechless

"By the way, before i let you go, i would like to whisper something to you"

He leaned closer to my ears whispers,

"Just so you know, i made your life became better, you better be greatful" his last words and starts walking away

"what does he mean..? He made my life better" i was confused and just shrugged it and wait for the next bell to ring so i can attend the next class

I entered to the classroom, all eyes were pointing at me and starts gossiping to each other and others were glaring, i ignored it and went to my sit at the corner and tries to think what does he mean by those words...

The professor called me to her office, so i went to her office to talk to her

"Goodmorning prof" i bowed and she smiled

"Goodmorning Joshua, i excused you for a bit to the class to tell you a good news" good news? Never in my entire college dont get good news, so i was surprised Bout this

"What is it prof?"

To be continued...

A/N: i tried my best 😅

February 01, 2023

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