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Stella whined as I placed the alcohol soaked cotton on the cut located on her face. I sighed in annoyance as I stared at the blonde.

"I'm sorry."She said

I chuckled and pat her head.

"You plan to kill me with a heart attack, don't you?" I asked.

"No I-" She started to speak.

"Look, I know you love him. But if you are going to follow your heart, carry your brain with you," I said, stroking her hair.

'Who was she to me?' is a question many people would ask me but I didn't have the courage to answer.

She is and always will be my sister. She may not be by blood but I owe her my everything.

"Its gonna leave a scar. My pretty face!" She whined.

"It won't leave a scar, Stella. Well if you care for it, no scar will form," I said as i washed my hands in the sink. "And get off my counter."

She scoffed. "Youre so mean." She mumbled before she plopped down into my bed.

She stared at the moon with sadness.

"You're thinking about her again, aren't you?" I asked. I sat beside her and smiled before caressing her soft, golden locks.

"Sisters?" She asked, holding out her pinky with a sad expression.

I chuckled.

"Sisters. Forever unless I am dead," i said with a grin. Stella hits me with my pillow.

"God forbid, you dying is like me having a bad hair day," Stella said.

"I dont know if i should think that as a compliment since you rarely had bad hair days or an insult because you compared me to ugly hair." I said.

"Girl be quiet," Stella said before nuzzling her head in my neck.

"You reck of perfume." I said nonchalantly. "Go to bed, your hair is turning dark." Stella grumbled.

"Fine," i said as I stared at the ceiling. Stella kicked me on the thigh.

"Ow! What the hell!" I exclaimed. "Just checking if you were dead," she giggled.

"Goodnight sister," she said. I sighed before smiling.

"Goodnight Stell."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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