World Guide

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Locations In The Story and The Real World Civilizations They Were Inspired By or Are Similar To ( List to be updated as the story progresses)

Xi Empire-Ancient China

Askiyan Empire-Songhai Empire/ Ancient Ghana

Kingdom of Sassan- Persian Empire

Republic of Lazio- Roman Empire

Mauryan Kingdom- Ancient India

Hellas- Ancient Greece

Britannia- Ancient Britain

The North- Ancient Viking Cultures

The Hordes- Ancient Mongolian civilization, The Huns, Scythian Empire.


The story will be told from the third person perspective, using a limited point of view, mainly from 8 different major characters located across the world that it takes place in. Each chapter will therefore be titled using the following format: John Smith I, John Smith II, Paul Jackson I. etc.  

Although these 8 characters will be the main point of view characters, there will be some chapters that are told from the perspective of minor P.O.V characters included. Note that minor P.O.V characters are simply deemed as such because chapters told from their perspectives are very few in number when compared to the main 8. Some minor P.O.V characters are in fact major characters within the story but will simply not have chapters written from their perspective very often,if at all.

Continents In The Story and Their Real World Equivalents

Europa/The Northern Continent- Europe

The Great Continent/The Dark Continent- Africa

The Eastern Continent- Asia

The Island Continent- Australia

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