Author's Note

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Author's Note: This Book is a work in progress and honest feedback is greatly appreciated. This is my first long term story project/full length novel and I am looking forward to sharing it with you all.

The story takes place in a completely fictional world that would roughly be set somewhere between the late classic and early medieval periods, although some of the technology used will be more advanced than that time period (Particularly Ships and Armour. No guns though). The names of most of the characters are fictional, however there are a few who have been named after some very famous historical figures. These characters may share similarities to their real world counterparts but it is VERY IMORTANT to remember that they are not direct representations. They are fictional characters who happen to share their names and are inspired by them to some extent.

The names of places in the story are mostly real and are references to the ancient cities and kingdoms that would serve as their real life equivalents. The events that take place in the story are purely fictional and are not a direct representation of any historical event.

The events of the story will contain no form of magic, fantasy or any other supernatural elements. It will remain grounded within the realms of reality in regards to that aspect, however there will be periods of intense action that some may consider to be slightly over the top. The story will also contain relatively graphic depictions of violence, use of strong language and mentions of mature themes such as drug use, alcohol, sex, etc.

However there will be no scenes detailing graphic sex (sorry guys! your author is really  prudish when it comes to that stuff )

Overall I hope that you can enjoy my story and feel free to leave your opinions in the comment section.

Don't worry I'm a big boy I can take it ;-)


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