17| The sad reality

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Ugbad Mohamed Nuurs Pov

I look his way saying " What is that you have against him?"

He says nothing, and for a minute I began to evaluate if he is thinking or if he just doesn't want to answer anything. I look at him once more, he says nothing.

I begin to say "You know hate is not that-" , but I don't get to finish my sentence before he steps right in a begins to talk..

"I don't hate him necessarily.." he says but just trails off once more. This time I don't try to speak, I just wait for him.

"We went to the same training class one summer, I think.. We were like best friends on and off the court, but after sometime he just ditched me." He says trying not to seem like he cares, his voice I deep like it always is but at the very last word when he said "ditched". I could feel the pain, and it stung me.

Jaxton experienced the pain, but I felt it. Why I felt it, I don't know.

"What you guys were friends?" I say with a shock look on my face..

" yeah..but like it's several years back!" I he says while going trough his bag looking for another blanket.

"So that's why you are cold and emotionless." I say.

«I am not." He says in an determined tone.

" Ehm.. didn't you say a few days ago at the cafe 'I don't do friends.'?" I say as an argument.

"I don't remember that" he says back!

"Yes you did, you also said 'I don't do relationships' right after as if someone asked you" I say back, because he did say that.

"Oh yeah, I did say the last part so that you wouldn't get the wrong idea you know.." he says while he is laughing.

"Wrong idea? Let me tell you something mrs Kincaid, I have never thought of in that way and I never will!" I say back..

"So get that trough your thick head!" I add once more. Huh, how dare he? Me getting the wrong idea? I would never think of something like that, and being with him would never cross my mind!

" Keep telling yourself that scarfy.." he says in an sarcastic voice..

"What about you seeing the truth!" I say back..

"Nobody could say no to this!" He says while doing a weird hand gesture where he is showing off his whole body. "And I mean NOBODY. " he adds once more.

"I just did." Say with a laugh.

"That's because you just aren't mentally stable at the moment!" He says.

"You are delusional.. please get the help you need" I say to him.

"Am I delusional or just incredible?" He says smirking and looking at the.

"Or are you just unbearable?" I say as I look at him, actually this was a good burn (especially since it rhymes, hihi). I make a mental note to use this later against him.

"Haha, you are so funny!" He says in a sarcastic tone.

"Thanks, I appreciate the compliment" I say while smile my evil smile, I love making points and setting other in their place. Especially when it's Jaxton.

" Can you help me over here Ben?" Jaxton says while look at Benjamin a little bit away from us. Benjamin is busy with another person and giving the lady a blanket and some clothes. It doesn't look like he is coming here anytime.

"Hey, why won't you ask me to help you?" I say while I se him struggling to open up the bag.

" Here you go, but we need to open it together. So I thought that maybe there will be physical contact, and since you have the phobia of urs" he says. I know that Jaxton know that it's not a phobia, but he just like to use term for some reason. At least this shows he has learned my boundaries, and that is something good.

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