Amulet Bauffremont

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   {Translated from French}

  The Bauffremont Palace, right at the heart of Paris. That is the capital city of the land I will rule just after the two reigns of my twin siblings. I love everything about France, I've been to every corner of it and none of it comes to disappoint. I wish to bring prosperity upon my turn to sit on the throne of the nation I have been blessed to be born in. The one thing I don't like about living here is the fact... that even with all the women they say look pretty and would make a good pair for me...I never seem to catch an interest in them.

     I also despise the men that tease me in the streets, I barely get a chance to go out of the palace...Those chances get wasted by a bunch of scrubs cat-calling me and nicknaming me "Princess" even with the knowledge that I am a Prince. Amulet isn't much of a guy's name, but at least it is a decent name. I got the title for my vibrant green eyes, my father compared it to the magic amulet my great-grandmother had. I had never met her, but I'm sure she was a wonderful queen since she was more respected than even her husband. 

     My days always consisted of training my mace skills and my magic with my parents. Helping my father and dumb older brother with their royal duties, and hanging around my older sister. I also went to school sometimes. However, with all the things I was taught inside the walls of the palace, I did not need to even go...Besides the fact that I needed to learn how to socialize with other adolescents my age. Sadly, even the teasing and cat-calling followed me there. In this instance, with the sport-obsessed teenage boys. I'll be honest, they are annoying...but they look cute-


     I was startled back into reality, I had forgotten...I was at the dining table. If I wasn't paying attention, I could miss something important either one of my family members had to say. I cleared my throat and smiled nervously. "I am so sorry, eldest brother of mine...Was there something important you had mentioned that I missed?" This boy, however, got on every last one of my nerves. He was always seeking attention. 

     Timeo gave me his stupid grin and then stood up at the table. "Yes, dear brother." He said, hiding a scoff in there. "As I said, I have found a delightful lady to make my partner and upcoming queen." The fool pridefully boomed for everyone at the dinner table to hear...which was just me, Rosa, and my parents. Rosa rolled her eyes, ignoring what her twin said, she was probably thinking the same thing as me, 'He's making a big deal for something that we already knew.'

     My mother chuckled to herself and then glanced at Timeo. "That is simply wonderful! I'm sure you two make a lovely pair." She sounded a bit hesitant when she said that, but I know she didn't want to make him feel bad. My father gave him a thumbs-up before continuing to wolf down his food. At least Rosa, my father, and I could be honest with Tim about not being too surprised about his achievement to get a gal.

     My father swallowed his food before looking at me, he seemed to have something on his mind, or well, a pretty obvious question. "So Amulet," He paused for a bit to see if he had my full attention...which I did "How are things going with finding a potential partner?" That made the twins snicker and left Mom silent. Of course, he would bring it up. I'm 16, and I haven't had a crush at all...neither have I had any friends. No one to even deem as an acquaintance.  

     I'm sure something in him hoped I had an answer, for days my parents had already said that it didn't even have to be a woman...That I just get a partner and that's it. Though it's stressful since I have never even liked anyone! I just have slight feelings for basically any guy that looks good, but falling in love with one? Not a chance.

     I sighed and shook my head slowly. "No...I am sorry Father."

     He looked at me, a face that showed me pity, if he was trying to look understanding, he sure failed at it. The rest of dinner was silent, with no form of communication afterward.

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