"Yeah?" Millie turned to her mother as she dropped her wrist.

"He's very... Intense."

"What do you mean?"

Sandra shrugged helplessly, "The way he looks at you, I don't know. It's very intense. I want you to be so so careful. Okay?"

"Okay, mom. I will." Millie nodded, wondering what her mom meant by the way he looks at you.

Sandra kissed her cheek, "Please don't get pregnant."

"Mom," Millie hissed, facepalming. "I'm leaving, love you."

"Love you too, honey. I'll pick you up in the morning for your appointment."

Millie made her way out of the house and to Beck's truck where he stood by the passenger door. As she approached, he opened it for her. She held his eyes as she tossed her bag down into the footwell and climbed in. "Pretend like you didn't hear anything," she glared at him as his lips turned up in a smirk. Shutting the door behind her, he rounded the front of the truck and climbed in.

Beck's door shut, locking them inside the truck where the interior was warm and cozy, smelling so nicely of pine and mint. His scent also filled the car, making her want to squirm in her seat. All she could think of was his lips on hers and how good it felt to touch him. She wanted to kiss him again, but a sudden timidness came over her. She felt crazy for kissing him so fast in the first place. Sure, she had seen him turn into a wolf, so maybe soulmates were real... But the distance had cleared the fog from her brain just enough to note that she was being a lovesick teenager and she needed to proceed with a little more caution.

Millie looked up at him and his eyes were already on hers. His signature smile was on his beautiful face. The war to or not to kiss him waged on in her head. To keep it at bay, she reached over and took his hand in hers, squeezing his fingers gently.

"It's good to see you," he said gently.

"You too," she smiled wide, a private look that she would only ever give him.

A few minutes later, they began to drive. Millie felt anxious at the idea of going to his house, his packland. It was all foreign and she didn't know how to feel. The two were silent as they drove, deep in thought. The silence was comfortable, however. Neither felt any need to fill the car with conversation as the alternative radio buzzed through the speakers at a low murmur.

Suddenly, Beck's hand was suddenly trailing up her hand, slipping from her grasp where it rested on the center console of the truck. Millie's brows furrowed as she tried to puzzle out what he was doing. Two of his large fingers slid up to the inner part of her wrist. Millie realized he was taking her pulse.

Beck hadn't stopped listening to her heart since he had walked up to Millie's house. He could hear it as soon as he stepped onto the porch. The irregular rhythm was foreign to him, if it wasn't for her scent, he wouldn't have recognized who the beat belonged to. Sure enough, with his fingers on the thin, delicate skin of her inner wrist, his worries were confirmed. Her heartbeat had changed.

Millie's eyes were steady on him, they knew what each other was thinking without a word uttered between them. "I'm seeing a cardiologist tomorrow." 

"Is this what happened?" Beck asked, trying to ignore the fear that was rearing its ugly head inside of him. He felt out of control, and there was nothing he hated more than that. Idly, he took her hand and drew her wrist to his nose. He placed a kiss over the weak pulse and inhaled her scent. The wolf scent was still present, but so was her spicy natural scent, and he could inhale that all day.

"Partially," Millie sighed and watched him as she enjoyed the way his lips stayed close to her wrist. She could feel the warmth of his breath fan over her sensitive skin. "I know it's scary."

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