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The girl stood in the brisk wind that tried to take the strands of her dark chocolate brown hair south with it as it whipped across the river gulch. Her large brown eyes, almost black in the dimming afternoon light, watched the dark water hiss below her. She stood twenty feet above the gushing river that was bloated with early spring snowmelt. It was an ugly gray, almost silty looking. Morbidly, and for no reason at all, she imagined falling in, and a shiver ran down her spine. Cold, pale fingers curled around the railing and clutched tightly, anchoring herself in place as if afraid she might actually do it.

Her thoughts drug her back through her last few weeks of school with all of the weird things that had been happening and her stint in the hospital. She was so lost in her recollection that she didn't realize the man was approaching her until he was right behind her. She whipped around, her dark hair casting into her face and obscuring her vision.

"Wolf," he growled. She opened her mouth to respond, call him crazy, anything. But her mouth popped open and no words managed to escape because the man before her was more beautiful than anyone she had ever met.

The breath sucked from both their lungs as their eyes met. 

And everything changed. 

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