|Pt 9| Brother |

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|⚠️ RECAP ALERT: "I broke you." I would put my hand on his thigh "you did not break me I was crying for peace" he looked at me "I may not be the one you love anymore and I may not treat you that well, I may take things that aren't offensive, offensive he will be your lover. But I intend to be you last." He pulled me up and kissed me I knew this was a goodbye kiss and it felt so gentle after two seconds past he pulled apart he made the necklace around my neck show "never take it off. Promise" I nodded "I promise" I kissed him one last time I rubbed the back of his head and rapped my arm around his neck on my tip toes to reach his hight "goodbye y/n" he new he regret his decision and I missed him already. I went to see Elijah and say goodbye but he was already standing behind me a tear fell from my cheek and he wiped it "this won't be the last time we see each other y/n." I would smile and hug him he would kiss my cheek and he left with Niklaus and Rebekah I would stand there and be shocked.⚠️|

I would walk around the wall and see Scott standing there "Jesus Scott you scared me" I would raise a brow "Scott?" He would turn his head to me with his eyes hazel "hey are you okay?" He would start coming up to me I would start backing up as his fangs were sliding out "what are you doing?" I would say bit scared I would see stiles coming to find me "hey y/n!" He said his eyes would widen to see me being cornered and pushed against a wall by Scott "Scott hey what are you doing?" He would say with tremble in his voice I would see Lydia come up with Allison behind stiles "stiles help." Scott whipped his claws out stiles would grab Scott's shoulder trying to turn him around but thta didn't work either Scott wouldn't be saying anything "stiles what are you doing help her!" I would hear Lydia say "hey Scott, Scott listen to me" Allison said on the other side Scott suddenly he whipped his claw around my chest I would fall down with blood gushing out of my chest "SCOTT!" Stiles had knocked him out and came rushing to me "y/n hey hey hey stay awake" I would hear stiles who was bending over me with Lydia Allison trying to wake up Scott "omg y/n" I would hear Lydia say stiles would pick me up and take me to his house he would put me in his bed waiting for my chest to heal I would start coughing "what the hell got over Scott" I would just look at stiles tired "stiles." I would say feeling my wound that disappeared" I could breath normally again "I'll be right back" stiles would look at me and nod I went to his bathroom and got cleaned up "hey stiles do you have any clothes for me?" I said seeing if I could borrow one his nerdy shirts and some joggers I have in my school bag "yeah" I would clean the blood of with water I would turn around "thank god I thought you went coming then" as soon as I was all the way round I saw Scott hug me "I'm so sorry y/n I don't know what got into me" he would say feeling terrible "it's alright I new it wasn't you." "Hey I got you some clothes...." Stiles would say "sorry I'll just put these here and be in my room" I nodded "either your losing your anchor or something is seriously going on here." I said to Scott he agreed "let's go to Derek's and ask him if he knows anything about why this is happening to us I would hitch my breathing when he said Derek but I needed to know why it feels we can't control ourselves so I agreed and went to get changed I thanked stiles and got in his jeep while Scott was in the back "so why are we going to Derek's again" stiles would say confused "for the third time stiles we are trying to figure out why we have the certain urge to kill the ones around us" stiles would frown "right yeah I new that" i would laugh bit at his humours joke when we got there I was bit nervous as I avoided Derek after I talked to him last. "Hey Derek" stiles would say Derek would turn around and look at all them and then at me he would look down as we caught eyes he would clear his throat and I smirked "why are you here." He said to Scott "we were all wondering why me and y/n have urge to kill people we are around" Scott would say "why what happened Scott froze and I just stood there leaning against a pillar "he scratched y/n like really badly" stiles would say fast Derek's eyes widened "I see." he said worried for me I hadn't said a thing because I knew if I did it would just be a babble of words "I have experienced this before." Derek said "does it feel like you can't do anything and your just watching yourself hurt them "exactly" Scott said stiles would stand next to me making sure I'm okay Which was adorable a concerned look went on Derek's face "when did this start?" Derek said "when y/n came back" Stiles said I would nod I would feel stiles com closer "why haven't you talked since we got here" he said whispering to me "just don't feel the need to" I whispered back with a smile to not worry him "can you tell us what it is now" Scott said "it's called a Dolos it's a Greek god who can control supernatural creatures like yourselves" my eyes would widen "I remember reading something on that Greek god" I said surprisingly without embarrassing myself they all looked at me "so have I" Peter said coming down the stairs "it was enough word for Personification of Trickery" Peter said "enough name for Dolos was a kitsuna" I would stand up form leaning "its a Japan Kitsune. The Japanese Kitsune is a trickster fox renowned for his mischievous metamorphic abilities. He is regarded in Shintō lore as the messenger who ensures that farmers pay their offerings to the rice god. Buddhist stories, however, cast the fox as an evil agent of possession." stiles would look at me and so would the others "what you surprised I read." I said "if y/n is right then we are all in great danger" Peter said everyone looked terrified "the Kitsuna will work it's way into a possession of a human" stiles would stand up "so I'm in danger?" He would say "you are." Derek said "well seeming I have werewolf friends a banshee as a friend and a hunter as a friend I wouldn't be the one targeted" I would shake my head "it would reach into your dreams and mind" I would say "we can't do anything about your mental state" Derek replied I would be avoiding Derek the whole time "well how would we tell if he is a kitsuna" Scott questioned "the proper name for him is void." I said "I would stand by Scott and hold his hand I was bit worried and he's my brother "we should go" Scott said noticing I was getting paranoid I would nod.

Y/n McCall x Derek HaleTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon