|Pt 3| Derek Hale |

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|⚠️ RECAP ALERT:I placed him in his bed and tucked him in it was nice being the big sister sometimes even if I wasn't. I tried to got to bed again as I have training with Derek at his place tomorrow.⚠️|

I would wake up feeling Energetic so I head downstairs and made a smoothie I would put my gym wear on and head to Derek's loft I would be standing in for the door and I knocked i waited for a minute no responses I knocked again no response so with hesitation I pulled the heavy metal door to open it and then my ears busted with loud music I saw Derek With his top of doing pull ups on his handle bars I would stare for a moment and then walk up to the music and turn it of the next minute I'm flung to the wall and pushed against it lightly I would look into his eyes as he looked into mine I would notice something "it's you." I would say he would raise a brow "what's me." I would still be looking in his eyes "oh shoot sorry that was inappropriate of me" you cut him off "shh" I would place my finger on to his lips and I would listen for the sounds I have been hearing I would look into his eyes and they would turn blue "it's like you have an ora around you full of sadness and in desperate need for guidance his eyes would go back to a red and he would go back to normal "how did you do that?" He cut himself of by letting go off you and turning his music back on and started doing push ups he smelt of anger now but sadness still.
I would stand awkwardly checking him out while he worked out till a timer went off and startled me it was time for him to stop "you don't yet?" I said he would look at me "yeah I'm done but you were early" I would smile and walk up to him "and I will be from now on" you would tease him but he would just smile and say "well let's get started" I nodded and he started to talk about how when I transform I won't be able to control as I don't have an anchor so he said I have to transform and find one but I was curious "does it hurt?" I would "it will" I shook my head "I didn't mean the transforming I mean did it hurt to lose her." His eyes would widen "how do you no I lost someone" I smiled and then stopped smiling I walked slowly up to him and put my hand on his chest and looked into his eyes "because I have two." You showed your blue eyes and that's when his went red "why can I hear your feelings?" I asked him I knew he knew from his heart rate he sighed "because sometimes when a female werewolf and a male werewolf are in close range they rarely connect.." he said I would stare into his not so red eyes anymore and I would hear the door open and that broke the contact "hey y/n am I interrupting  something?" stiles said "no" I said but at the same time Derek said "yes" I would look at Derek and then back at stiles "what do you need stiles?" "We just found out Lydia is psychic "what?" Derek said "he means a banshee" "you know off them?" Stiles said "I've met one of them." I said "back in New Orleans we were for hope Mikaelsson she is a  Tirbrid =witch, vampire and werewolf and also a banshee" "but that's all I know" I said "thanks y/n that's helps a lot" he would hug you and I could see out the corner of my eye Derek wasn't telling me something he looked almost bit jelouse "alright see ya stiles"I said "cya y/n" he walked out the door there was some awkward silence till k broke it "so the transforming thing ay?" he nodded "just transform it will be painful and you will lose control but I'll be here to stop you" you felt comfortable to hear that so your eyes turned hazel mixed with a blue your fangs started coming out and you screamed it felt like screws were coming out of your gums then you breath became hitched your hearing heightened you fully transformed and the first thing you did was try to attack Derek you can at him with full force you duck down and swing your leg around his ankles and you made him fall down you would block out the voice that was telling you to find an anchor he switched positions with you and you closed you eyes and tryed to find a anchor Lydia? No Allison? No Scott? NO??!? Uhhhh Stiles?! No >>> it goes on till you haven't thought of him but there's a possibility Derek? ... you would break out the chains Derek put you in your eyes went just to blue and then normal your ears were going in your teeth and then your claws you would both be out of breath till he asked you a question "who was it this time?" He ask me I froze as my Anchor was... Him.

I started feeling nauseous and fell to the ground I put my hands on my head and I tried to warn Derek "I don't feel... so.. go-" you fainted pitch darkness.

Y/n McCall x Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now