|Pt 5| Forgiveness |

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|⚠️RECAP ALERT: "you know they have gone to find him." Peter said Derek would nod "if he hurts y/n I swea-" "Derek.. you already hurt y/n.." peter would say patting his shoulder⚠️|

You ran home a tear shed your eye running down your cheek You would run into Scott's room to see him sitting on his bed studying "y/n?!" He said I ran straight into his arms as he did the same I would just collapse "y/n what happened?!" Scott didn't know what to do his little sister was hugging him on the floor crying he pulled you away and saw some slight marks healing on you "who did this to you!" He said rubbing it I would stay silent "Y/N!! WHO THE HELL DID THIS TO YOU!?!!" He would shout I didn't know what to say I just said his name "Derek.. he he didn't m mean to.." I would look down "you were there weren't you, you were the one Derek sprinted to.. your phone.." Scott slid back away for, you "y/n why? Why would you do this."  I would look at him with my blue wolf eyes "I didn't have sex with him god he just made out" Scott's eyes glowed a hazel I would shoot up at he shot up "Scott?! Where are you going?" I said making sure he wasn't going to kill Derek "He hurt you." Scott just zoned out took mums car and went to stiles to get his bat I would grab my phone from Scott's beside table and I rung stiles "stiles pick up pick up!" I would hear "this is stiles leave a message after the beep" beep - " Stiles! It's me y/n whatever you do, do not let Scott get that bat you hear me!" the message stopped I got Scott's motorcycle and I drove it to Derek's I would run in and see Scott punch Derek "SCOTT!!!!" I would hear stiles slide to see the door after me he would go up to Scott and pull him away I would run up to Derek he would just spit blood out on the floor "are you alright?!" I looked genuinely worried for him "it's nothing that wouldn't heal" a sigh of relief I would stand up and go to Scott I would over hear stiles " what the hell were you thinking! What is goi inside you stupid brain" Scott would take deep breaths "he hurt her." Scott said staring daggers into Derek "well Scott now you hurt me." I would grab Derek and help him up to the sink "come on man let's get you cleaned up" i spears stiles taking Scott out the door "y/n.." he would grab my hand I would feel him place his index finger under my chin and his thumb on my lip he would tilt my head to look at him "I'm so sorry." I would see in his eyes and his heart rate he wasn't lying "I know I know I forgive you. "I shook my head and I went on my tip toes to kiss him he would lean down so I wasn't on my tip toes "I would trace his jawline and kiss him once more "it's healed." I said rubbing the blood of his face "I'm going to get a drink care to join if you would like I'll be at the grill" I smiled at him and scuffled his hair which made me and him smile


Y/n McCall x Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now