|Pt 1| Little Wolf |

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I would get out the cab placing one foot inform the other and pay the driver I would grab my bag on shoulder and think to myself 'step one find Scott step two stiles is probs with Scott St-' her thinking came to a halt as a blue jeep arrived beside you I would hear a voice behind me "hey are you ne-" I would turn around and see "STILES!!" I said he would jump out his car and hug me tightly "y/n! When did you get back!" I would pull away from my hug with stiles "I just got here do you know where Scott is?" I said looking around till I heard a green motorcycle pull into the bike section he would remove his helmet shocked "y/n!" I heard Scott say with joy running up to me and hugging me "she just got here" stiles said pointing so Scott didn't ask the same question "are you back for good this time" i would grin "why you missed me." I would say sarcastically and he would lagging and smile so would stiles minutes went by and we walked into the school I would analyse the walls "looks just the same" I would say surprised but then again I was only gone for 2 years I would hear the bell ring and cover my ears quickly "yep I definitely didn't miss that sound" I would laugh and go to history with stiles I would obviously sit next to him and when the teacher came in he looked at me as if I was a new girl "oh I see we have a new student how rude of me not to introduce you to the class" he said I would interrupt "oh I'm not new I just took a brake for a long while." I would confident the teacher would look embarrassed and I would hear a chuckle behind me and stiles would turn around "do you mind not laughing about a girl who could crush your Bon-" I would stop him and turn him around "okay okay yeah nope we are good" I said when the students just looked at us like we are weirdos I would whisper into his ear "stiles." "Y/n" "you just nearly made me look like a I was a a psychotic maniac killer" I would smile at him and remove my hands from his shoulders I would head a 'Ehem!' From the front of that class "are you lot done chit chatting because I like to get on with my teaching what I'm paid to do" 30 minutes went by and I would ask stiles a question that's Been on my mind lately "hey stiles" I would look straight forward still looking out the corner off my eye and I would see him turn his head form side to side in confusion "psst stiles" he would turn his gaze to me "y/n what do you need?" He said I would look at him "do you still like that Lydia girl still?" I said out of no where his eyes would widen "come on you know you can tell me anything" he would roll his eyes at I smiled at him "god your such a little snake" "actually I'm a little wolf" I grinned "fine yes I do like her so what" I would raise a brow "wait-  do you hear that?" stiles and me were whispering this whole time "hear what?" the sound would get louder I would put my hands on my head it hurts and my eyes went a shade of hazel "hey wow- wow- are you alright?" Stiles sis concerned "I thought you could control this" he said again the pain would get unbearable and I would grab my bag and walk out I would hear stiles behind me "Jesus" everyone would look at me and stiles walk out I would rush to the girls bathroom and so would stiles I would lean on the sink "I can-" suddenly I would look in the mirror and my fangs would pop out I would turn around and grab stiles by the collar pushing him against the wall I was about to bite him till I heard the door swing open I would feel a separation between me and stiles and Scott would be there howling at me to stop I would fall back form the pressure and I would shake my head thinking about my anchor I would start getting up and see if hurt stiles "omg stiles I'm so sorry." he would rub his chest "y/n what just happened" I heard Scott say "she said she heard something and then she started panicking." Stiles would announce I would hug stiles "I'm so sorry I don't know what had gotten into me" I would be genuinely furious with myself "it's alright I knew you wouldn't hurt me." I would pull away form stiles and look at Scott who looked confused "that's the thing y/n... I heard it to." I would look at him with my eyes widened the bell would ring and a 3 girls would walk in the bathrooms stiles would act awkward and just wave saying hi and Scott just stood there "let's talk outside." Stiles would nod "I'll get Allison and Lydia" Scott said I would raise a brow and he would go walking of before I could even say anything "stiles?! Who's Allison? And why are you guys hanging out with Lydia didn't she like Hate you." Stiles would look at me and pull a 'it's a long story face' "right.." "hey I'm sorry again btw I don't know what happened I just lost control" I said to stiles "y/n it's fine your my best friend you couldn't hurt me even if you wanted to." He would smile and laugh and so would I

5 minutes passed and I was being walked up to by Lydia and Allison "Y/n! When did you get hear?" Lydia spoke I didn't know why she was so friendly "this morning before school." " and you must be Allison" I would see Scott look and her and look down flustered I would nudge stiles to look at Scott and he would whisper in my ear "yeah that happens a lot" he would say and I would smile "I heard that." Scott said and I thought stiles was going to make a run for it but he didn't "I'm Y/n. Y/n McCall" her eyes widened as she heard my last name "Allison Argent." I would stop talking and see what Scott was so eager to look behind us for I would listen in and I would hear a weird sound almost like someone in pain not physical but mental stiles would pat my shoulder and I would get startled "yeah sorry I just zoned out." I said "I think we need to go see Derek." I would frown at him "who's Derek?" I would be so surprised of how much I don't know "he's an alpha that killed Peter the one who turned me and became the Alpha he's kinda a leader of the pack and well Lydia decided to bring Peter back so now there living in an abandoned loft together being sweet and family" stiles spoke really fast the others wouldn't get it but I got every word he said "right." I would say "Let's go Stiles drive y/n, Lydia and Allison there." Scott said "on it." We would head to stiles jeep and take 10 minutes to get there we went up an elevator shaft and soon we were standing infront of a massive metal door.

Y/n McCall x Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now