Chapter two "A tiny lie leads to massive consequences"

Start from the beginning

Kirby started to know something was off. There was no sounds of wildlife anywhere, the only thing that Kirby can hear is the wind blowing. Until a little yellow bird called Tokkori showed up screaming. Looking scared and flew into Kirby's home. Kirby was confused as why Tokkori was scared. Until Kirby heard something running behind him.

Kirby looked behind him and there was the missing wildlife. There was also some cappies with them. The animals didn't look right, their eyes were hollow voids and here mouths were open to reveal a big eye that stared at Kirby. This obviously terrified the baby star warrior as Kirby quickly ran from dark matter. Dark matter being brave in their new hosts chase Kirby into the direction of the castle. Passing through the empty town were most cappies are possessed but some weren't possessed.


"We need to retreat, there are too many of them" said Meta knight in his beautiful Spanish accent. While slashing a member of dark matter in two with ease. Meta knight turned to them and was shocked as Blade and Sword were possessed. This reminded him when he lost friends in the war. Meta knight now has to fight both of his friends for survive. Meta knight readied his golden sword at his controlled friends.

Blade knight charged right at him with a powerful swing but Meta knight reflected it with his sword. Then quickly had to dodge Sword knight's incoming blade from behind and countered with a sword beam. Sword knight blocked the attack with his steel blade. While Blade knight jumped into the air to stab Meta knight with his sword but, Meta knight got out of the way by using his wings.

"I'm impress with your fighting skills monsters that I never heard of" Unknown to Meta knight a member of dark matter was waiting for him to tire himself out from fighting. After he did that he went behind him and possessed him. Once there was two yellow eyes have been replaced with one big eye...


Sir Ebrum, Lady Like, and Tuff were running away from Dark Rimuru, Dark Rimura, and Dark Rimuro. Higher members of Dark matter from 02. Specking of which was watching them from a balcony with some distance with glee. 02 was also surprised to see that Lady Like didn't faint from fear. 02 checked Tiff's memory to see if this happened before and got nothing.

Sir Ebrum, Lady Like, and Tuff were able to get away from Dark matter. Running into a in raged King Dedede and a frightened Escargoon. Tuff taking a fight stance not really trusting them but, who would trust the King or his second in command.

"That dam girlie tricked me!" shouted King Dedede to Escargoon with gritted teeth. Clenching his fists, pairing to throw hands. "Slam her with my hammer!!!" Gritting his teeth.

"Sire, I don't think it was Tiff. Her eyes didn't look right" Escargoon said back at King Dedede. "Also don't you see these eyeballs flying around" he pointed to all of the Dark matter creatures floating in the sky. King Dedede ignored what Escargoon said and continued his ranting of Tiff.

"She has always been a thorn in my backside! I wish that she kept her mouth shut with her snarky comments!" Shouted King Dedede with fury in his eyes. Sir Ebrum heard King Dedede's rude remarks about his daughter that has vanished.

"How dare you say that about my daughter!" Shouted Sir Ebrum who was getting tired of the King "You're supposed to be the King! You should bring order in this chaos and protect us from danger! It shouldn't be Kirby's job but yours! Instead of being spoiled brat that never grew up!" Venting all of his frustration he has about the King.

"Umm... now I were girlie got her attitude from!" King Dedede said sarcastically butting heads with Sir Ebrum. "Maybe if you raised them right! They wouldn't be like this!"

"Kind of funny hearing that coming from you!" Shouted Sir Ebrum at King Dedede. "you know nothing about raising kids!" All of his shouting made his moustache go all frizzy.

Lady Like saw Tiff on the balcony all bloodied with eyeless eyes on display. Tiff looked like a walking corpse made Lady Like put her hands on her face. She tried to get Sir Ebrum attention but he was still having a argument with King Dedede. She slowly exhaled and inhaled. Then she let out a powerful scream. This got everyone's attention to Lady Like who pointed to Tiff. Who looked like a walking corpse heading to the end of the balcony. Then jumped off...

End of chapter two

Word count (1574)

Author note: I feel like I rushed this chapter a bit...

bjwj fr n. bmfy nx ymnx uqfhj? n'r xhfwji, n sjji mjqu n... inji. ny hfs'y gj ijfi, n'r fqnaj, n'r sty ijfi wnlmy?

Hxda wxc mnjm urccun xwn.

Fqx jan hxd?

Cqjc wxc rvyxacjwc urccun xwn. Hxda sdbc vh cxxu cx karwp cqrb rwcx mnbyjra.

Bmd fwj dtz itnsl ymfy ktw!

Bx nenahxwn ljw onnu vh yjrw.

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