☆ Prank number #? ☆

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The plan was simple.
Adora would be wearing red contacts, and there would be red vines wrapped around her sword in Shera form.

They slipped into Brightmoon during a meeting.

'Well she's got to be here somewhere'

'Maybe she changed her mind and wanted to explore another planet?'

'Adora wouldn't do that'

'Are you doubting it?'

'Actually no, she would definitely do that'

Catra snickered as her sensitive ears picked up on Adoras; 'For the honor of Grayskull!'

A moment later, DT jumped out of their hiding spot, screaming.

'Its Shera! She's gone mad!' They screamed dramatically, running around the table, occasionally stopping to hide behind one of the princesses.

Adora ran in after them, yelling maniacally.

The princesses and Seahawk screeched in alarm, and scattered.

Perfuma attempted to wrap Adoras leg in a vine, only for it to be sliced apart by her sword.

It turned out water and ice didn't do much against Shera either.

The princesses, (+Seahawk), entirely believed that they were cornered.

Shera stopped and sighed, blinking excessively. And then....She yawned and walked away.

Seahawk frowned, remembering what had happened last time this had happened.

'Wait a moment....This isn't real? I was there last time Shera was turned like this, and Adora simply acted as if she had one drink too many' He pondered aloud.

The princesses stared at him, and then at Shera.

'Got you?' Shera said sheepishly, then she sprinted out of the room.

She met Catra and DT in the hallway, who were laughing their heads off.

'A D O R A ! ! !'

She flinched in surprise.

'Run' Catra whispered, eyes wide.

And so they did.

After a few more moments of shock, the princesses burst into action.

But the culprits had already escaped, and their hallway was now painted fuschia.

Immediately, the alliance ran to a balcony, and were shocked at the sight below them.

The rare, newgrown flowers had been trimmed to spell out two engaging words.

Got You :)

Mermista let out a scream of rage as the rest of the princesses let out annoyed sighs.

'We will catch them soon' Scorpia announced.

'How can you be sure?' Perfuma groaned, more then eager to put her own plan into action.

'I just have a feeling' And with that, the other princesses treded back inside.

But Scorpia lingered for a moment longer, she suddenly picked something small, leather and black up.

A glove.

'Ahhh, Wildcat, I won't sell you out, but really?' She sighed, and put the glove in her pocket to make sure Catra isn't caught.

'Really, Catra?'
DT sighed as their friend finished recounting the tale of her missing glove.

'Hey! I didn't choose to loose it!' She pouted.

'I know, I know' DT was suddenly reminded of what Catra had said a while back about finishing this charade up after two more pranks.

Well she had certainly forgotten.

They decided they needn't remind her.

If it was really important, she would remember it herself.

And on that happy note, DT retired to their Chambers.

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