◇ The Prank◇

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'I look stupid' Catra grumbled as she stared at her disguise in the mirror.

'It will pay off, darling' DT smirked.

Moments later, they arrived outside of Glimmers room.

DT knocked, and transformed into a guard, standing beside the disguised Catra, as if they were an escort.

'Umm....Hello?' Glimmer looked at them in confusion and suspicion.

'Eyllo. A boy called ArRoW sen' meh dis address for pitZA' Catra batted her fake eyelashes as she worked up the fake accent.

'Umm... Bow? Did you order a pizza?' She looked over her shoulder into the room.

As she was distracted, Double Trouble handed Catra something.

Just as Glimmer turned back to face them, angry at the discovery that they were lying, the two started throwing eggs and glue at her.

She attempted the dodge them, teleporting everywhere in the process.

Catra knew they'd messed up when she started screaming about intruders. They sprinted down the hallway, with Bow and Glimmer at their heels.


Catra shrieked as they rounded the corner.


Double Trouble screeched back.

'WAIT-?! Catra?! Double Trouble?!' Bow gasped.

They skidded to a halt.

And just to make matters worse, She-ra appeared beside them.

She was about to charge, when Bow stopped her.

'Guys, caLM done, its just Catra and Double Trouble' He warned.

Adora detransformed, and stared at the two.

'What was all the yelling about?'

'They pranked me. By throwing eggs, glitter and glue at me' Glimmer grumbled.

'And why is Catra dressed like a pizza delivery person, with a moustache and contacts?'


Adora sighed as she turned back to the two.

'That's it, you utter nightmares, are grounded. You're going to be stuck in a room, together, for a week' Glimmer glared at them.

'That is so unfair!'

'But Glimmer, darling! What about my Shows?!'

Glimmer ignored the pleas, and within the hour, they were being escorted to the spare room that had once held Shadow Weaver.

'Your fault' Catra hissed to Double Trouble.

'Whatever, but you have got to admit, the look on Sparkles' face when you hit her in the nose with the egg was priceless!'

The two burst into hysterical laughter like the ex-maniacs they were.

'By the way, I've seen this room before and it is luxurious~' Double Trouble wiggled their eyebrows as they approached it.

'Let me guess, when the princesses caught you the first time?' Catra snorted.

'I'm offended, kitten' They pouted.

Glimmer and Bow glanced at eachother in confusion as they guided them.

'And we're here'

Glimmer opened the door and threw them in.

'We'll have Frosta or Mermista slip your meals under the door for you all week, bye~ have fun!'

Catra grit her teeth as she watched Glimmer and Bow laugh as they walked away.

'Err- Kitten? Sometimes I think they really are as dense as they seem' Double Trouble said, as they mischievously gestured to the unlocked window.

Catra smirked. Princesses really were daft.

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