◇ Prank #4 Castaspella◇

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The sun rose over the ex horde base.
DT sat watching the sunrise on the roof. Catra was still asleep, yet she would be awake any second now.


Yup, there she was. 

'Hey kitten~' They teased as they pulled her up onto the rooftop.

'The view is outstanding, you have got to watch it' They continued.

Catra gave a rare smile as she sat down beside them.

'It really is...' She lay back on the tiles as she glowed in the early morning light, her dark skin shining gold.

DT smiled.

Soon, the moment had passed, and the sky was its usually blue.

So Catra and DT went to prepare for their prank.

DT went and did their bit, and Casta left the premises to go see if Glimmer was okay.

Catra clambered up the outer wall of Castas House, all she had to do, was get to the power source up there.

It was surprisingly easy to turn of the element, all she had to do was rip a lever off the wall.


Then she took it with her as she lept onto the tree outside.

She threw it right off the island as she ran on all fours to find DT again.

This was harder then the actual mission, but soon, they were in their place, waiting for the reactions.

Catra was once again recording the trick on her camera, DT had suggested it of course.

The two chuckled evily as they're prank went into motion.

Yelps, screams and confused yells filled their ears.

The two escaped while they were hidden, but King Micah had felt a presence behind the bushes. And it was no surprise to him when he saw the DNA on the ground.

A few strands of Catras fur and DT's finger prints.


But now he had to actually find them, the more he though about it, the more reasonable leaving them alone sounded.

So he decided to keep this a secret until they did something serious that had a really destructive result.

But for now, it was a secret.

Soon, Castaspella returned from Bright Moon.

Her face when she learned that a whole element had been turned off, was utterly priceless.

DT would've loved to see it.

Speaking of the lizard, they were currently playing chess with Catra in the frightzone, giggling over the thrill of what they had done.

They were helping themselves to the platter of sandwiches that sat beside them.

Everything seemed to be going well for them.

But down on BrightMoon, Glimmer caught news of the trick on Mystacor.

She still didn't know who was behind these tricks, but they were seriously riling her up.

When she caught them, they were going to be punished, badly. Which both Bow and Adora disagreed with. Much to Glimmers disappointment.

Adora didn't have the strength to leave her bed still, as the strange wave of insanity that had been inflicted on her the days before had drained her energy and sent her into a deep spiral of sickness. Yet she spent most of her time worrying about Catra.

But soon, things were about to get a lot worse.

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