Train to Venezia

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I've noticed that Giorno is the Character I write ooc, so if there are any personality changes abt him, don't mind that!


To the Trainstation we go!

"Hey Narancia, can I get a better look at that key?" Abbacchio asked.

"Sure thing," he said while throwing it to abbacchio

"Ouchh, what the fuck, don't throw it, you idiot? That hurts" he said while groaning in pain.

"Abbacchio, you're such a drama queen, I'd be happy to feel my hand at all!" Narancia said while mocking abbacchio, I mean, narancia isn't wrong.

You safeguarded my daughter's life, and therefore you have my gratitude, go to Napoli Centrale, binario 6, look for the turtle near the water fountain and use this key. You have to bring her to Venezia by train.

Og message:
Grazie per aver protetto mia figlia. Bucciarati. Ora vai alla stazione ferroviaria di Neapolis.
Al binario 6 troverai una fontanella con una tartaruga. Lì usa questa chiave. Poi accompagna mia figlia fino a Venezia in treno.

"Soo Trish, how's life?" I ask her, Trish, mista, fugo and I are both in the very back.

"Not that great, like, having a father you've never met before, and now he suddenly reaches out to you, while being kidnapped by some guys.. well at least I have you as my best friend, that makes me happy." She said while smiling when she said the last part.

"Aww, and you're my best friend! I'll protect ya no matter what, even if it wouldn't be my mission, you can count on me!" I tell her.

I've noticed that mista is looking at Trish's cleavage.. what a pedo! Isn't he 19?! Trish is only 15 like me, man poor her.

"WATCH YOUR FUCKING EYES, MISTA" I Yell at him. I have had enough of him sexualizing my friend. Even if she wouldn't be my friend, it's just so wrong what he is doing!

"But fugo did that first and then I couldn't-"
He tries to excuse himself.

"No dragging others into that, I saw what fugo did, he looked into Trish's face. Not her cleavage!" I said.

"That's true! I was just pitying her for what happened, you know mista, at least I got empathy, rather than you staring at a 15-year-Olds cleavage, you're 19! You should be more mature." Fugo explained to us while trying to educate mista.

The car starts to tremble, the hell?! Can giorno not drive? Hmm I guess not, he's only 15 either way, can't expect him to drive like a Pro.

"Uh, my apologies Trish, it's just that the car trembled and I fell cause of that so I couldn't do any-" he excused himself.

"Just watch yourself next time," Trish said.

"PLEASE DONT TELL THE BOSSSSSSS" Mista begged, God, what an idiot.


Trainstation of Napoli, The turtle.

So that's why our Boss said to get the turtle... I see. Looks pretty neat here! We got a couch, a minibar, a closet, table. Cool!

"Anyone want a drink?" Mista asked.

"I'll have one" I answer

"Me too," Trish says

"Sure thing, here you go ladies!" Mista said while handing us 2 cups of water which is cooled down with ice cubes.

"Thanks, man."


"Hey, narancia you want a drink too? I hope ya good with it being cold" Mista asked him. "We got Water, sparkling water, mineral water, apple, orange, and pineapple juice."

"Ha? You say somethin'?" Narancia said.

"I asked if you wanted something to drink! But, you might get some shut-eye, you've seen better days here man. I keep an eye on the ceiling while you rest"

"Sounds like a plan!" Narancia yelled, does he have something with his ears? The boy is acting like a grandpa huh?


"Yo Trish, did ya notice something weird about nara?" I ask her.

"There that you mention it, there is something off about him, he's acting like a 80-year-old!" She said.

"Maybe he's just tired" I sigh.


I get why.

Narancia is transforming into an old dude?! What the hell?! Is this the work of an Enemy stand user?!


I look at the others, they're all old. What the.. even giorno? Damn, he looks older than my professor, still pretty though.

"How come they age faster than us?!" Mista asked panicking

"Well the temperature in a woman's body doesn't change as fast as for men" Bruno replied

"IM NOT A CHIC?!" He said.

"It's the ice," I mentioned

"The ice makes our temperature lower and cools us down, the warmer it is the older we get," Giorno said.

"Mista, do you mind going out and figuring out the enemy? Your bullets are perfect for that job!" I said.

"Sure thing chica! Anything for you" he answered and gave me a wink before exiting the turtle. Ew.

I get some ice cubes from my drink and approach giorno.

"Hey Giorno, may I sit here for some time?" I ask

"Sure, what is it?" He asks me.

"Nothing, just rest a bit, you can sip on this cold drink, don't mind if I cool you down with ice cubes!" I say

"Hey y/n, do you mind if I rest my head on your lap?" He asked, no way! Is that a dream come true?!

"Huh?!? Uh yes! Of course!" I answer 2 seconds later.

His head, it's resting on my lap! Oh my oh my, he's so cute even with his eyes closed and old! I place an ice cube on his face to cool him down, he's smiling... Oh, mio caro, how much I love him, I never really took it seriously but I'm convinced it's true love.


Aaaa sorry, this chapter was so short, I had to watch the episode of this one again cause I wanted to make it as accurate as possible!!

RIO D'ORO  || Giorno Giovanna x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now