"Illusion of Time" Ch. 3-1

Comenzar desde el principio

Scott: "I like the enthusiasm!"

Fritz: "I didn't really want to come, but James and Emma kinda forced me."

Emma: "Come on, lift your spirits!"

James: "Yeah, or i will have to carry you all the way, and neither of us want that."

Fritz: "Fine!"

Nate: "We're here..."

Isaac: "Why the mood Nate?"

Nate: "Nothing."

Isaac: "Alright?"

Jane: "I brought snacks!"

Alice: "Perfect!"

[Isaac POV]

We were chilling, eating and that, it was indeed a hot day, so after a while the gang started to get into the ocean, Scott brought one of those inflatables and shoved me inside it.

Scott: "Safety first! Uhm... You might wanna remove your shirt?"

Isaac: "... I don't... want to..."

Scott: "Isaac, don't tell me you're just going to sit here and do nothing..."

Isaac: "Sorry..."

Scott: "You're still not allowed to say sorry, but you'll be glad to hear i brought a bucket and toy tools, you could... Make sand castles!"

Isaac: "Sounds fun."

Scott: "Great! I'll be entering the sea like the others... Erm... Is that fine?"

Isaac: "Yeah, i can just play around here."

Scott: "All... right! See you in a while babe!"

I saw Scott run to the ocean, then remembering he still had his shirt on, he took it off and put it on the towel, i think it's the first time i've seen him without shirt, after all these months... WOW, MY MAN IS RIPPED!

Sorry... Uh he indeed had a slightly marked six-pack, he does workout sometimes so that's the thing, i was incidentally drooling right when i saw him!.

I regained my attention and made a few castles with sand, as i saw them have fun in the water... I do wish i was there... But i'm a coward...

I wanted to write Scott's name in the sand so i did, the typewritting could've been better, but it's sand so what can you ask?

... Ah...

I think... Staying on the sand... With this sun... And this shirt... Makes me feel...

Scott... Please... Come...

[Scott POV]
I was having fun with the gang, we were playing with the water.

Emma: "Hey Scott, why did Isaac not come enter the sea?"

Scott: "Ah, he... Just wanted to make sand castles!"

Emma: "Oh, aw."

Scott: "I should check on him, thanks for reminding me."

Emma: "No... Problem?"

I went where Isaac was, i saw there was my name written in the sand near the towel, which made me blush, because it was cute!

I put on my shirt and i walked until i saw... Isaac... Simply laying on the sand... Unconcious?!

I came to him quickly and lifted him, Jane came to where i was, and she started to freak out along with me, how could i stay calmed in this situation?!

Jane: "God, what happened?!"

Scott: "I... I think he passed out...!"

Jane: "Y-you should take his shirt off, make him lay in the towel and... I have some cold cans so we can use that as an ice pack of some sort, i think."

Scott: "Thank you Jane..."

I took his shirt off, while Jane brought 2 really cold cans of soda and covered them up with his shirt and i put it in his forehead.

Scott: "Isaac... Please come back... I was a fool on leaving you on your own, please, forgive me...!"

Jane: "That's all we can currently do apart from waiting, i'm so sorry Scott.*

We waited 3 minutes, until he finally woke up slowly.

Isaac: "W... What... Happened? Scott...? Scott?!"

Scott: "I'm here Isaac, i'm here..."

Isaac: "I see... A lot of colors... Everything looks... Fuzzy..."

Scott: "It will be fine, we're together..."

Jane: "You got a heatstroke, Isaac, but you'll be fine."

Isaac: "Thank you..."

We waited a while until Isaac felt better, and we were leaving early.

I gave Isaac the extra shirt i brought, and we went back to the metro station and then to our houses.

It was quite the day.

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