chapter 14

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Poppy and Oakley are currently bringing ice over to the table Manu and Bohdi are sitting at causing them to pass the Board Riders and Marlon

Lee sends them a dirty look at Griff tries to catch her arm, she shakes it off and sits down at the table snacking on a bowl of strawberries she brought with her from home

The Jarrah Island Competition is one of the biggest ones of the year, with teams all over staying in a small trailer area to compete for first

If you win this comp your basically a shoe in of the states team

As she was eating a bowl of chips fly onto her from a toy football thrown by non other then Griff Temple, Manu gives him a stare while he holds up his arms

"Sorry, Sorry, Sorry," He lets out a laugh "Not sorry,"

The group of teenagers roll their eyes "Its going to be a long night," Poppy says to which Bohdi and Oakley nod

Lee throws up her hands "I have chips in my strawberries I cant even eat these now," The girls laugh as she gets up and sadly throws out her favorite fruit

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The night takes over and Oakley cant fall asleep with the blaring of music filling the air, She groans as she gets up and storms outside to be meant with a meditating Griff

She smiles at him and squats down, He jumps and smiles at who fills up his view "Hey Sunshine,"

Oakley gives him a hug and sits in front of him "Not partying with your team?" He shakes his head "Gives me a head ache when I'm with them for so long,"

"I never thought I would get to be this close with Oakley Rae Evans," She shakes her head as he moves his hand to lift up her chin

His eyes flicker from her eyes to her lips and he slowly moves in to connect the two of them, he leads his hand to cup Oakleys cheek as the pairs of lips move in a pattern. She lets out a breath as they pull away

"I've waited forever to do that," Oakley bites her lip at his confession and Griff pulls her back into him, their lips connect again and they enjoy the moment

Oakley smiles into the kiss as she thinks about what her friends would think about him being her first kiss, he pulls away and smiles as he looks at her

"What's got you smiling?" She shakes her head and Griff grabs her hand "You were my first kiss,"

Griff takes his turn smiling and peaks her lips again "Good,"

She stands up and laughs as he stays sitting as Lee tries to pull him up with all of her might

"Will you tell your team to quiet down a bit, I need to get sleep before the big tournament tomorrow," He nods and boosts himself up

Oakley turns to walk away and Griff grabs her arm and turns her to him, to give her another kiss this one longer them the others

Once they leave each others sides Oakley goes back to lay down in bed with a smile on her face thinking of Griff, and just like that her phone goes off

-Goodnight Beautiful-

.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・..・゜゜・  ・゜゜・..・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.

Oakley stares out into the ocean as she's lined up with four other talented girls supposedly the same skill level as her which is hard to match

She shakes her legs and arms, as she picks up her board. The girls look at each other sizing up the competition but Lee leaves her eyes straight forward

The horn blares and she sprints as fast as she can to the water, paddling ever harder causing waves just by her pushing the water back

Lee turns and hops onto her board catching a wave immediately, she throws a couple turns and ends it with a board flip attached with an air

She takes a couple breathes as she paddles towards another one hearing nothing but the water seeing nothing but the water

Oakley pushes herself up and creates distance as she rides along the side of the wave popping out and adding a perfect 360 for extra points

The timer leaves a good amount of time for one more wave to come to her, she hasn't paid any attention to her competition but maybe that's a good thing

She drives up and pulls out the sharpest turn and adding a backflip air along with it, grinning as first in her heat was announced with her name

Griff rushes up to her and engulfs her in the biggest hug giving her a short peck on the lips, she laughs as he tells her how good she did "Oakley a word for a second,"

Manu pulls her to the side "I want you to throw new tricks, I'm seeing the same thing over and over," He pats her back  "Your doing good keep it up,"

Oakley walks back over to Griff and he hands her a small thing of strawberries, to which she jumped up and down "I thought I should replace the ones I ruined, you seemed bummed when you threw them out,"

Griff popped a strawberry in her mouth making her laugh as she bit down, on the other side of the tent Marlon was watching

"Yo, Sheridan is Griff really into her?" She lets out a scoff and shakes her head "No we're telling her tomorrow before her big final, she's a mental player you break that you break her game,"

.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・..・゜゜・  ・゜゜・..・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.

Oakley was sitting wrapped in a blanket as Ari runs to the shore line putting on his shirt "What is Ari doing here I tho-"

Poppy cut her off "Marlon switched heats so he had time to make it," Lee looks at Marlon who waves at her in confusion but goes to the group to cheer for Ari anyway

Ari makes cuts no one has seen him to before and to say he has gotten that left hand turn figured out would be an understatement he has got it mastered

"Yes Ari!" Oakley screams as her and Poppy jump up and down cheering him on, he runs in and everyone brings him in for a hug "You did so good!" Lee said with excitement

As Marlon made his way to his tent Griff cut him off "What's wrong with you Sousa?"

Marlon shakes his head with a small smile "Yeah, I didn't feel like playing dirty,"

Griff scoffs "Its called strategy we don't play dirty," Marlon throws his board, to him this isn't about surfing its about Griff using his pure hearted friend to his advantage

"Oh yeah why don't you tell that to Oakley?" Marlon spit out

The blonde looks at him in disgust "I have no idea what your talking about, I called it big mistake letting a Shorehaven kook on our team,"

Marlon shoots him a smile before hitting him with a left hook causing everyone to pay attention to Griff pouncing on top of Marlon

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