chapter 4

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Oakley gets up with a groan and brushes the crust out of the corners of her eyes, her dad knocks on the door before walking in with a glass of ice water something her mom did every final morning

"You need to be out of the house in an hour so you can make it for check in," Matt hands her the glass and gives her a kiss on the head

Oakley nods and drinks her water as she makes her way to her box of swimsuits, she grabs a plain white string bikini and throws it on under a old shirt of her dads

She goes to her jewelry dish that is set on her white desk and puts on her moms old string anklet, she starts to play some music as she puts her hair in two braids for the comp

Lee prances down the stairs and grabs her bag, pulls out her headphones and gives her dad a hug goodbye. She turns on her sound and her moms laugh fills her ears

She starts to walk down the road, hearing the noise of the waves go through one ear and out the other. The feel of the sun beaming down on her golden legs makes her smile

Oakley crosses over to the hut and grabs her wet suit to but on, the skin tight material still cold from the night winds makes her happy. She grabs her board and begins to head to Manu

"Good morning Lee," She smiles and waves at him "Morning Manu, is this for me?" The older boy nods and hands her the pink shirt for her heat

Poppy wraps her into a hug "Hopefully one of us end up on top, best of luck" Lee drops a kiss on her cheek and starts to head over to the rocks by the water

She spots Griff with his headphones in and gives him a wink, making the blonde shake his head and smile at her

Lee starts snapping her fingers looking into the water paying attention to her moms voice flowing through her headphones, The boys heat was before hers so she had time to prep still

Griff walks over to her and taps her shoulder, Oakley turns and smiles at him and she adjusts her headphones so the ear closer to him was free

"You nervous Oak's?" She shrugs but shakes her head no "Not really I'm confident with my skills, what about you Griff. Think you can bring home some gear?"

The blonde shakes his head "No I'm really nervous, I just cant loose you know?" Ari and Marlons heat gets called and she turns her head to watch

The horn blows and the four boys start to paddle out into the ocean, Oakley brings her lip between her teeth. Marlon gets a great start but Ari doesn't seem to do anything just sitting and looking around

"Come on Ari," She mutters and Griff looks at the water seeing him start to paddle, Marlon grabs something under water and begins to paddle infant of Ari

Oakley lets out a scoff "He totally pulled his safety," Griff gets up causing her to look at him "I have to get back I'm up next, good luck today Oak's,"

As Ari and Marlon come back up to the coast, Ari looks pissed off. Oakley gets up and starts to walk up next to Bohdi "Ari looks pissed,"

As soon as she said that Ari pushed Marlons back and the smaller boy whips around "I didn't touch you man!"

Ari gestures the the ocean "Oh sure, it must've been a dolphin passing by," Oakley rolls her eyes at the pair of old best friends fighting

"What are you complaining about you made it through," Marlon spits out and he tries to start walking away but Ari had a different idea

He looks him up and down and pulls him to face him once more, Marlon's board moving with ever movement made

Marlon throws his board down and says "You really wanna do this Gibson,"

Oakley turns to her old best friend "This is stupid right? Im not just thinking that?" The darker skin girl shakes her head

"No this is definitely stupid,"

The two boys start shoving each other, grunting as each of them make the other fall back a couple steps. Marlon scoffs "Whatever I'm not fighting you, your injured," He starts to walk away wanting to be the bigger person

But after Ari held his arm for a second he ran and tackled Marlon to the ground, the smaller boy struggling to get up from the surprise attack

Poppy and Summer come up to the pair of girls Oakley sends them a smile before Summer turns to them

"Is this a mystical surf ritual I don't know about," She turns to look at the boys before continuing "or a stupid boy fight?"

Poppy, Bohdi, and Oakley all say at the same time "Stupid boy fight,"

Summer lets out a laugh gesturing to what the three of them just did but they don't seem to give it any mind

Poppy rolls her eyes at the two rustling in the sand "I don't got time for this, Manu!" She walks away and Oakley starts to walk with Bohdi to the pair of fighting boys

Her head turns at Sheridan's voice "That was pretty pathetic!" She rolls her eyes and gives it no mind, well tried that was until Summer started rushing over to them

Poppy and Oakley made eye contact while they slowly start walking over to the group of kids picking on Summer or trying to

"Yo! Do you remember me?" Summer hollars at the group of rich surfers

She gestures to her skateboard that's broke in half "You owe me a new skateboard," Sheridan rolls her eyes

Lee looks to who is next to Sheridan and its Griff, he's looking out into the water giving Summer no mind "If your going to leave it lying in a car park, its not my fault if it gets busted,"

"I think 200 should cover it," Summer sends her a sickly sweet fake smile "Oh and that's US by the way,"

Sheridan shakes her container of fried food "How bout a couple of onion rings,"

At this point Poppy and Oakley arrive behind Summer and try pulling her back as Griff is down looking at the trio

Oakley cant help but look and take in his appearance, his wet suit zipped until his low his showing of his bold V-line and abs, he looks at them and bits his lip

Poppy cuts in before Summer can say anything and Lee rubs Summers arms with a smile on her face "Sheridan! Hey." The tan girl turns to Summer

"Can I talk to you about something real quick?" she mutters with annoyance in her voice that was painfully obvious

Summer tries stepping towards Sheridan but the blonde has something to say or well ask "Is she a friend of yours?"

Poppy puts on a fake smile "Yeah, it's recent,"

Oakley tries to pull then away hating the tension that's in the air, Lee is known for trying to defuse tension or avoid arguments at all costs

But Griff cuts in and looks at Poppy "Hey Pops, nice job making it to the quarters, you know just cause you didn't make many finals last year,"

The group of Board Riders laugh at his comment, but he doesn't seem to be done

"And our very own Oakley, great job on the board since you know, the incident. Im surprised you still know how to surf with three years off,"

Oakley pulls Summer back as she was about to go do something to Griff, but Poppy cuts in giving him another fake smile full of nothing but fake joy "Thanks for the support, Griff."

Sheridan laughs and Griff shakes his head keeping his eyes on Oakley who turns with the pair of friends she has "Who are they?"

"Anchor Cove Board riders, they've all got massive tickets on themselves. You gotta ignore it they are just mad we have Oakley and they don't that's how it all started anyway,"

Oakley bites her lip as she nods along "Are you kidding?" Summer says while having a shocked look on her face "We need to get payback!"

Poppy and Oakley shakes there head but the small brunette speaks this time "Summer, here we get our payback in the water,"

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