'On another date with your boyfriend?' - Chapter Ten

Start from the beginning

It's just her whole manner, you know? The way she talks down to everyone, especially me. And her little gaggle of followers that swan around after her constantly, so infuriating. Not to mention her lust over Danny, can't she tell he's not interested? Every time I see her eyeing him up in the canteen, it seriously makes me want to kill myself. She just throws herself at him like a ball to a bat. The other day, I swear I saw her applying lipstick while subtlety sending him air kisses across the room.

But it's not just me she has a problem with; she also has it out for Rachel. 'Oh look who it is, Jessie and her sad little friend. How you doing Ray-Ray?' I mean, seriously? Could you get more condescending? She's only a few months older than us and yet she thinks she rules the entire freaking world, what is with that!

I mean, Rachel? The nicest person in the world, Rachel? I've never head Rachel have a bad word to say about anyone, she's proved that with her opinion of Danny, and yet even she can't stand her. And how can Felicity have a problem with Rachel? I don't think she's ever done a single thing wrong in her whole life. Wow, there's a lot of hate going around for a Catholic school!

I haven't seemed to start on the best foot with Felicity's little doormats either. There seems to be a central group of them who have the fortune of being in her presence the most. There's Molly, Rita, Anya and worst of all - Daisy. The name may deceive you but Daisy is on another level. It's not that she's mean, as such, but she can be far from flowery when trying to impress Felicity. She just changes her whole personality when she's with her. That's the worst thing, at least Felicity is mean all the time; Daisy just changes her mind depending on who she wants to impress. It's not that she's ever been nice to me, but when she is being bitchy or laughing at one of Felicities repeated insults, she knows that it's wrong; she knows that she should be a bit nicer but doesn't care because she knows it's going to gain her popularity.

Molly's alright. Her hearts in the right place at least. She always comes up to me and apologises for her 'best friends' hideous behaviour. That's all want I want in an aggressor - an apology. Molly's the type of person who I'm sure I'd probably be friends with if Felicity wasn't on the scene. With the right person to aspire to be best friends with, I'm sure she'd be lovely. I haven't really got an opinion on Rita or Anya; I mean I know I dislike them (obviously) but they're too stupid to have any sort of game plan in the whole matter. They were just born nasty I guess; destined to find each other.


So we've been asked to get into groups. Each group has to have two girls and two boys in from the year. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to guess who I'm with.

Rachel, Danny, Jack and I slid into the back of the hall, excited to know what this was all about. Why would they just randomly put us into groups? They've got something big planned, I know it.

The first thing I notice is that there isn't just year twelves in here; there seems to be everyone from sixth form sitting in the hall with us right now. And the weird thing was, no-one seemed sure on what was going on; everyone was looking around at other people, just as I was, trying to piece the situation together.

I saw Matthew sitting a few rows down from me. He wasn't at the direct front which gave me the impression that he wasn't going to get up and talk about anything. He turned around, as if to get a view of just how many people were sitting behind him, and caught my eye. I gave a little wave and then mouthed, 'what are we doing here?'. He shrugged and continued in conversation with the girl sitting next to him. I wondered who he'd chosen to be in a group with - obviously he doesn't have much female interaction. As I tried to piece together who the peroxide ponytail belonged to she turned around, looked me straight in the face. She shot me daggers before whispering something to whichever doormat was sitting next to her; they then both proceeded to buckle over in laughter. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate Felicity? Danny laughed at me as I killed Felicity with my eyes. "Chill Jessie, just ignore her."

"I'm trying Danny but it's so hard when she's that annoying!" I replied indignantly

I was quite expectant now, no-one had stepped up to the stage to talk and the anticipation was building as we all sat in silence. There were quiet mumbles from students every now and again, but they were stopped in their tracks almost immediately by 'shushing' teachers. Calmly and quietly Mrs Clarke walked up to the stage, causing a lull amongst the chatterers sitting down.

"Welcome boys and girls." She started, looking around at all of us as she did, "You're probably all wondering what you're doing here in this hall. Well, this year we are going to introduce something new to the school. We plan to have a Winter Fair just before school breaks up for the Christmas holidays. The will be a fair that all of you family and friends are invited to and we hope to raise lots of money for the school." There was some hubbub at this as people voiced their opinions on the fair to their neighbours. I just stayed quietly, she still hadn't mentioned the fact that we were in groups and I wanted to fully understand before I started chatting. "The fair will take a great deal of organisation and this is where you come in. You will be put into teams of eight and each team will take care of a certain aspect of the fair. For instance one team might be in charge of the raffle or the food. You are sitting in front of me in groups of four with your friends in your year group, in a moment we will put together two groups to form a team of eight. Each team will include a group from Year Twelve and a group from Year Thirteen. Before, I mention anything else I will give a chance to get into teams. If anyone doesn't have a team to go with then please come and see me at the front. You may assemble your teams now."

It was a manic race to find people to go with as people started leaping across chairs to get to their chosen Year Thirteens. Matthew looked up at me from a few rows back and pointed at him and I, gesturing that we should go together in a group. I nodded straight away and gave him a thumbs up signal. I don't know what the rest of the team think but I knew that Matthew would be in high demand as head boy and that we should grab him while he was free. I turned to Rachel, Danny and Jack, "Hey, I've just said we'll go with Matthew's group is that okay?"

Everyone nodded obediently though I could tell that Danny was a little annoyed. I'd forgotten his vendetta against Matthew; oh well, I'm sure that this environment is all they need to bond. Suddenly, Danny erupted in laughter. "What?" I snapped.

"Jess, I don't think you've thought this thing through." Danny chuckled.

"What do you mean; he's head boy what could go wrong?"

"It's not him I'm talking about." What? I followed Danny's glare to try and understand what had caused him to buckle over in laughter. And then I saw her, sauntering towards me with that aggressive stare - Felicity.

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Ohh, I can tell you know that the winter fair is a massive plot point so what do you think?? What will go down in the winter fair madness? Only time will tell.

Please don't foget to vote, comment or fan if you liked it. And please don't hesitate to tell me anything that you would like to change or that was wrong.

Also, I know I sound like a broken record but thanks SOOOOOOO much for all your support; it's mental!! Anyway, until next time,


P.S. I'm going to start posting pictures of the cast at the side, first up it's Jess! :)

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