Novel Updates

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I've decided to begin a list of updates for the novel I refer to in this story. So without further ado:


Whew! Just finished a slogging writing session for my novel-in-progress. 1,577 words & lots to go, but I'm getting there! The coffee helps! 85,000+ words so far!


Just over 1,200 words on my new novel today! It's a long, hard road ahead, but someone's gotta do it!


Just over 1,000 words on my novel today. The writing was a little tough; "pantsed" my way in & out of twists, but it was fun getting to the end of a chapter.


Almost to the end! I'm loving how things are turning out. Just clocked 1,115 words today and 1,888 on the 9th. Between multiple projects, I'm averaging writing every couple of days, but now that I'm nearing the end I'm hoping to complete this novel by the end of next week!

6-24-15: Milestone

After 5 yrs. of dormancy & 8 mo. of new material my first NaNoWriMo novel is finally done-and 6 days ahead of schedule! Going to let it rest, write new stuff, then begin revisions! SO EXCITED!!! Updates will continue as they occur.


Began "official" edits on my novel using ideas gleaned from several books such as Nail Your Novel by Roz Morris, 2K to 10K: Writing Faster, Writing Better, and Writing More of What You Love by Rachel Aaron, and Blueprint Your Bestseller by Stuart Horwitz (all of which—and more great writing resources—can be found by visiting the external link).

Once I've finished editing I'll hopefully glean enough ideas to have an easily-replicable editing process of my own ;)

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