Chapter 7: Luca's parents find him

Start from the beginning

"Dear Luca," he began.
"We wanted to take a moment to message you as we are friends with Laurel on Facebook and noticed your page was actively posting posts and comments. We included a picture of you. Is this recent? Honey, your father and I thought you were dead. We are grateful if this is true that you are alive yet we are curious as to how this would happen. Please message back. No rush."
Luca sighed and then turned his phone screen off.
He rested his head back onto the back of the couch and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath and then turned his head to face Alberto while still leaning back against the couch. Then he said, "So what do I tell them? They want an answer and it just so happens that I don't have an answer to give them."
"You could either ignore them or just tell them the truth. Either way is gonna suck."
"You think?" Luca sighed and then closed his eyes once again and then sighed.
Laurel walked into the kitchen and began to prepare lunch. She saw Luca with his eyes closed and got concerned. She walked over towards the couch and asked Luca if he was okay.
Luca opened his eyes and then said, "Laurel, my mom and dad messaged me on Facebook today and I don't know what I'm going to tell them. I'm so nervous and scared at the same time. I don't know if I am ready for that conversation yet and I know I have to be now because they want an answer. What do I do?" Luca showed Laurel the phone message and then she read it and said, "Honey, just be honest. Tell them the truth the best way you can and hope they accept it. They messaged me last week and was questioning about the whole situation and I would change the subject. I wasn't sure if you wanted them to know about the whole situation but I didn't tell them. However, it looks like by the way of things that are occurring now that they have seemed to catch on with everything and kinda figured out the truth on their own. Do what you feel is best Luca and don't worry about the rest, okay?"
Laurel handed Luca back his phone and then turned to walk back into the kitchen. She turned the stove top burners on and put a pot of water on boiling for pasta.
Luca sighed as he slumped down into the couch next to Alberto. Alberto patted him on the back and then said, "I agree with her Luca. Just do your best. That's all your parents and the rest of us want is your best."
Luca gave a weak smile and then sighed as he looked down at the message one last time. "Well," he said. "Here goes nothing."
Luca pulled up the keyboard on his phone and then began to respond back to his parents message.
"Hey mom and dad," he began.
Its me, Luca. Yeah that pic is me. I took is yesterday. I am alive but I honestly don't know how to say this in a way y'all would understand so I am going to try my best to answer the best I can. I am different and I am alive and breathing but it's hard to explain. I just woke up in the morgue and realized I wasn't at home. The funeral home called Laurel and told her to come get me and here I am now. Hope y'all are well."
Luca pressed send and then breathed a sigh of relief and he waited for a response.
"See, I knew you could do it. Your stronger than you knew you were." Alberto said, cheering Luca on.
"Yeah, because you and Laurel encouraged me. I wouldn't be able to otherwise." Luca said chuckling slightly.
Suddenly, Luca got a response back from his mom and dad.
"Hello sweetie. This is your mom. It's so good to hear from you. You do look different, especially in the eyes. It is hard to explain but your father and I agree you have changed. If it is okay with you and the family you are staying with, we would like to come and see you. You see, your grandma is in the hospital here in Sequoia. Apparently, this is 2.5 hours away from where you are currently. She is fine and she isn't dying, but Luca, she is getting older and her heart isn't as strong as it used to be. The doctor here told us she needs medical treatment for her to live longer so your father and I talked and have decided to move to this town from Italy. We have been moving things from the storage unit into the apartment for about 2 weeks so far and as of tomorrow, we will be completely finished. We had to sell the vast majority of our things to get the money for an apartment and food. We are looking for jobs and your father has an interview tomorrow at a pawn shop. I have a interview at a ladies consignment store. We have high hopes we will get the jobs. As for you, we both look forward to seeing you and learning all about the new you in person. Please get back with us and let us know if it is okay for us to come see you. If so, we will come get you and you can spend a week or so at our apartment. We understand that you want to stay with the family that you are with currently. Laurel told me that she and her two sons are very very fond of you and want you and your friend to live with them since your school is in your town. We don't want to mess this up for you but all we ask is if we can be a part of your life. You're still our little boy, even if you are 14."
The words that his mom sent hit Luca hard and he was stumped for words as he sat staring at his phone screen.
Alberto noticed this and asked Luca if he was okay.
Luca nodded and then read the text out loud.
Laurel and Alberto heard it and Laurel said, "Tell them yes that I don't mind them coming and letting them see you. I don't see why both of them and we cant be a part of your life. I think it would be good for you to get to talk to your parents again."
Laurel dished up the food onto plates and then everyone sat down at the table and began to eat. Ian was dozing in his room and Barley was at work so it was just Laurel, Alberto and Luca at the table.
"Oh my favorite, spaghetti and meatballs. Yum!" Luca and Alberto said together. Luca and Alberto looked at each other and laughed as they just noticed they spoke the same thing at the same time together.
Laurel gave Alberto his insulin and then everyone began to chow down on dinner.
Luca responded back to his mom's texts in-between eating. He told her that Laurel said it would be a good idea for her to come and see him and that he didn't mind spending a week or so with her and dad, as long as he could see his grama. He sent a weird selfie with spaghetti sauce all over his face as well as his message and then pressed send.
Alberto gave Luca a funny look and then laughed as he said, "Buddy, now your mom and dad are gonna think you drink blood or something now you sent them that pic. For reals."
"Dude, I told her what we were having for dinner. I don't drink blood." Luca said, laughing.
Alberto shrugged and then finished his plate. Laurel made a plate for Barley and then said that there were seconds if anyone wanted it.
Alberto got up and got himself another plate and then sat back down and began to eat again.
Suddenly, Luca got a response back and he read it aloud.
"Is it possible for us to come see you tomorrow after our interviews?" Luca began "The interviews are at 11:30 and 12:15. They won't take that long and afterwards, we can head straight over. Your father had a vehicle in Italy and a license there as well, but now we are in Canada, he had to change the license over. He and I already did it and he should receive his card in the mail shortly. I already received mine. We had to take a driver's test, but it was okay. We passed with flying colors. We have rented a small red four door car to get around until we can afford to get a new car. Please let us know what your answer is so Lorenzo can make plans accordingly tomorrow. We are already excited over the fact we are talking to you and that we both are able to see you soon."
"Sounds like they are happy to see you again, buddy." Alberto said, taking his plate to the sink and beginning to help his mom, Laurel, wash the dishes. Luca got up and helped dish up the rest of the food and put it in the fridge.
Laurel took the rest of the plates to the sink and began to wash them beside Alberto, who smiled and nodded.
Laurel looked at Luca and then said, "Tell her that would be fantastic if they could come by tomorrow. Barley is off but I have to go to work at 330. I was wanting to meet her more formally as she and I have been talking and she shares a genuine interest in nail art and cooking. I'm actively trying to get her into knitting and she is sounding like she is interested so we will see."
Luca nodded and then texted his parents back and said tomorrow would be fine.
Afterwards, he walked into his and Alberto's room with Alberto following along behind like a little lost puppy.

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