Chapter 8

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The second term tests were fast approaching and I wasn't ready to rank lower than my first term exams instead I was aiming to score higher GPA or rank higher we went to school and entered our various classrooms it was revision week and I was bored so I decided to visit the Library.

When I reached I heard people talking and I was sure it was Savannah and Jamie I recognized their voice so I went closer and hid behind the book shelf

“You are such a liar! How come you never told me you were dating my sister behind my back! And you’ve been dating me for months now asking me to keep it secret, little did I know you were with my elder sister” Savannah Said to him with frustration but tried to keep her voice down

“I'm sorry ok, it's just that I got confused because you both are so identical but I love you and I mean it with all my heart” I heard Jamie say

“You’re still lying, and it’s pretty obvious because we’ve been together since kindergarten and you were one of the people that can differentiate us” she said again this time almost yelling but Jamie held her mouth but she quickly removed it and continued ranting

“I don't think you do and I don't really think I can trust you anymore... Because you hid this from me! You were obviously cheating!” Savannah said in a loud voice

“Shhh.. please bring down your voice I just told you ... You're the one I truly love not Hannah, I'm always with you and care I and Hannah are just close friends that relate to each other I promise” he said trying to convince her

I came out from my hiding spot and faced them clapping my hands when I saw them holding hands.

“So this was your big plan all along, Jamie. So you’ve been hiding this from me and you’ve been cheating on me with my own twin sister, my younger sister for that matter” I said trying as hard as I can not to cry

“And as for you I'm more than the word disappointed and ashamed to call you my sister talk less of my twin” I said to them as I tried to hold my tears

“Hannah it's not what you think” Savannah said trying to explain

“Save your explanations for the birds, you drew stars upon my scars ... I'm not even interested” I replied then walked away covering my mouth because I still couldn't believe what I just witnessed

I found it hard to concentrate in class and always blacked out all the time Ayesha tried to enquire what was the problem but I couldn't say a word but ended up crying on her shoulders and she was there to comfort and wipe my tears. Jordan passed by and saw me ...
He asked but I couldn't talk to anyone I remained mute even when it was time to go home I didn't want to see Savannah's face so I took a taxi home and locked my dad before Nana would realize I was home after about an hour I heard knocks on my door but I didn't open.              
                                                                                                                                  I cried my heart out to my head hurt, I eventually became too numb to cry. I switched on my phone and saw over 50+ miss calls from Ayesha and Maya then a message from Jordan asking me to see him downstairs when I feel better
I took a bath and saw how swollen my face was I put on a face mask and a hoodie… I saw him by the swing outside in the backyard he noticed and came to me

“Hannah are you ok?” He asked worriedly
I nodded

“Hannah can you please be honest with me ... What happened to you in that room?” he asked

Tears filled my eyes again as I gulped and told him “nothing ”

“Hannah please!”  he said holding my hands and looking into my eyes “You poor little thing, it's Savannah again isn't it? I could sense the guilt in her face” he added

I nodded again, he hugged me and wiped the tears from my eyes, I was scared to say it was over a boy because Jordan was surely going to kill Jamie

“Go lie down; you need to sleep” He said
I walked upstairs and entered my room and lay down tired and numb all I could do was close my eyes when mom and dad came back Jordan told them I was sleeping so they wouldn't bother and would just rest. I stayed home for the rest of the week and Jordan told mom and dad that I was sick but had to go to school the next week because of exams

I wore a hoodie and face mask the following Monday morning when mom asked I told her I still got the flu I sat in the front seat and Savannah sat behind

She tried talking to me but I avoided her Jordan came and took us to school I reached and hugged Ayesha and Maya and apologized for shutting them out

“We totally understand, Savannah told us everything, but I don't know if we can trust her” Ayesha said then further went on explaining everything Savannah told them

I didn't know what to say so I just kept quiet we went in and did our papers I lacked concentration and before I knew it time was up, I came out and met Ayesha and Maya waiting for me outside

It took you so long, how was it? did you answer everything? Can you continue?” Maya asked

“Too many questions! I just don't know ok” I said feeling frustrated
We went in for the next paper and the same thing happened, during the paper we heard students shouting and others said it was a fight I wasn't even bothered but when Maya went and came back she told me Jordan was having a fight with Jamie I left my paper and ran outside I met Savannah trying to separate them but to no avail.
I tried holding Jordan but he resisted and I had no other option than to stand in the middle
“I dare one of you to touch me if you really want to continue this fight” I said angrily and instantly they both calmed down and we spotted the principal standing there observing then he stepped out and asked them to see him in his office

“Now he’s going to be in real trouble now, and I’m so worried” Savannah said to me
I couldn’t reply because I was extremely worried and based on the look on the principal’s face I could tell he might be suspended
Jordan came out looking so angered and hostile. Students were still standing outside and once they saw him approaching me they cleared the way for him. He came to me and collected his bag which I had in my hand then kissed me on the forehead

“Jordie, why did-” I said but got interrupted

“I'll be fine” he said...  We were asked to go back to class and complete our paper but I passed it because I was confused and not comfortable
I later found out they were suspended for 2 weeks… I ran outside but couldn't find neither Jordan's nor Jamie's car outside the school. I heard the dismissal bell was rung and I took a taxi again and went home without waiting for Savannah, when I reached home I rushed to his room

“Are you hurt? What the hell is wrong with you… look at what you did to yourself and we're in test week” I scolded him

“It's just suspension I can still prepare for exams, that jerk needed to be taught a lesson, no one messes with my sisters” He replied

“But who told you, probably Savannah” I said

“Well, yeah well Savannah did but you have to understand one thing all this is not her fault” He tried to explain

“She fooled you too?” I said to him

“No listen to me” He said then explained everything to me ..
I then understood everything I thanked him then went to meet Savannah in our room

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